Doctor Aphra #3: Fortune and Fate, Part III--Turnabout by Alyssa Wong

"Doctor Aphra #3: Fortune and Fate, Part III--Turnabout" written by Alyssa Wong, illustrated by Marika Cresta and Rachelle Rosenberg

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This was an exciting issue that moved the story right along. Aphra's crew find one of the Rings of Vaale (Ring of Fortune) and Tagge's men try to cut a deal with Aphra to get the rings for their boss. There were traps and spookiness which definitely added a good bit of flavor to the whole ordeal. And the ending?!? Let's just say, Aphra's in dire straits as always and I have NO idea how this is going to work itself out. Also the title--Turnabout--is very apropos.

We start off with Black Krrsantan, Professor Eustacia Okka, and Just Lucky having fallen to the corridors below...amidst piles of bones from previous visitors who fell through the floor as well. Detta Yao and Aphra are stranded above, surrounded by Ronen Tagge's men. While Aphra pretends to cut a deal with them, Detta pretends to be super ditzy and innocent toward one thug in particular--Venters...who might be a Zabrak?? (His horns are really tiny, see below). And then the traps start getting sprung one by one and Tagge's men find themselves in a dangerous situation (see below).

To add to the craziness, one...or maybe even two...of Aphra's crew members are not being entirely honest. Are they out for themselves? Are they working for Tagge? Are the rings playing tricks on their brains? We knew this wouldn't be straight forward with rainbows and unicorns and everybody working together and sharing. But I was still surprised by the turn(s) of events!!

My favorite part was Aphra's projecting her past as a student of archaeology onto one of the turncoats. She's so good at reading bad people because she herself is...well...not that stellar of a human being. I loved watching her dissect this crew member's realities and put them in their place while also showing that she has great insight into herself...despite never really growing or changing or becoming better. She'll always be dastardly and we love her for it!

Alyssa Wong is doing a FANTASTIC job of carrying on Aphra's story and I couldn't be more pleased. I cannot wait to find out where everything goes from here!!

Before I sign off, here's some trivia:

    - Aphra's previous professor at the University of Bar'leth was Sava Toob-Nix. Remember the guy who was "safekeeping" Abersyn Symbiotes??

    - Ronen Tagge has a private penthouse on Canto Bight.

    - Kin Dragen said "something terribly rude" to Ronen Tagge's aunt and Ronen proceeded to have "their manners corrected." Yikes!! That sounds terribly ominous and disturbing and coming from probably means death or torture.

    - Another of Ronen's thugs is the female human, Kiehart.

Tune in Friday for another review!! 


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