"Bad Batch Ep. 15: Return to Kamino"

"Bad Batch Ep. 15: Return to Kamino" written by Matt Michnovetz, directed by Nathaniel Villanueva

Wow, what a heartbreaking, jaw dropping, action and intrigue packed episode!! How old is Omega?? What is Crosshair's secret?? What is Rampart up to?? Will our heroes make it out with the whole Batch still intact??--see Kamino under Imperial fire to the left! *tear*

We start off with Hunter being held captive by Crosshair as they zoom back to Kamino. Crosshair activates Hunter's comm...thus providing a signal to the rest of the Batch of his moving location. They all know it's a trap but Omega has a plan!! And this is where it starts to get juicy...she knows the location of Nala Se's secret lab...where the Bad Batch were created!! And where Omega was created. But wait, there's more!

Omega says that she knows this room was where they were created because she was there!!! Which makes her technically older than the Bad Batch. Plus, she would have had to be old enough to understand what was going on at the time and her brothers age twice as fast so that would make her anywhere from 12 to 14 (and her brothers between 24 and 28). She (and they) just doesn't (don't) look any older than that. I'd always put her at 12. But with this new revelation, I'd think she'd at least have been 7 when witnessing the Bad Batch's birth, which would make her 14.  I like that this puts the Batch at 28, too--I think that age seems right. Wookieepedia is no help with this...

AZI-3!!!!!! (see below) I loved the arc this droid had in "The Clone Wars" tv show with the clone Fives when the soldier discovered the chips. They were such a cute pair, working together to solve this scary mystery. I was overjoyed to see the droid get an ample amount of screen time in both this episode and the finale episode. And it's not just that he's there, he plays an integral part in the story itself. More on this when I review the finale.

I have yet to mention the MUSIC!!! I immediately felt the Attack of the Clones Obi-Wan-arrives-on-Kamino vibes. My goodness it was perfection--that dark and gloomy air of mystery, exactly what the viewer is feeling just before this episode's mystery begins to unfold. Love it!

Then there are these insanely spooky-looking and powerful droids that Omega activates that look incredibly familiar--they're just referred to as "training droids" on Wookieepedia. I did some digging and they are similar to the DT-series sentry droid from the "Rebels" tv show. Interesting...

And what about Crosshair's secret?? He had his chip removed "a while" ago! WHAT?!? So this scary, take-no-prisoners, follow orders at all costs personality is actually him. Yikes! He tells Hunter that he feels betrayed by the rest of the Batch. That they abandoned him. Not quite sure I understand his reasoning as he was the one shooting at them way back in the premiere episode. Perhaps he's speaking of even before that when the Batch decided to not go along with the Empire. Crosshair felt it was his duty to continue his allegiance, whatever form the organization might take, and that by leaving the organization (the Empire), the rest of the Bad Batch are going against everything he believes is right, which feels like a betrayal on their part. Okay, maybe, I do kinda get it. But he still is acting terrible!

To top it all off we have Rampart tell Tarkin close to the end of the episode that the cloning technology is in the control of the Empire now. The potentialities inherent in this statement did not hit me until the end of the finale episode...so you'll have to wait until then to see what I think about it--essentially, my mind was freaking blown!

What a fabulous Part 1 to a truly epic season finale!! Oh yeah--and I'm SO HAPPY there's going to be a season 2!!!!


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