"Boushh #1: Found (War of the Bounty Hunters)" by Alyssa Wong

"Boushh #1: Found (War of the Bounty Hunters)" written by Alyssa Wong, illustrated by David Baldeon and Israel Silva

This one was fun. In a sense, the outcome was super predictable, but then again parts of it were quite surprising and very intriguing. Essentially, Crimson Dawn hires out Boushh and his fellow Uba IV exiles to kill Lady Domina Tagge and the members of the Tagge Corporation Executive Board for 200,000 credits. Okay, the minute I saw "Lady Domina," I was like--oooh, this is BAD news for Boushh. As we are all well aware from the current "Doctor Aphra" run, Lady Domina is a serious bada**!! The woman just exudes confidence and intensity. No matter how skilled Boushh is supposed to be, he would have nothing on Lady Domina. So I knew the story was going to end with the elegant and powerful woman gaining the upper hand over the bounty hunter. But her proposal to Boushh was shockingly surprising! And the last page said the story was continued in "Doctor Aphra" so here is definitely hoping for that!!

Another cool thing about this issue was the background story for Boushh and the lore of his home planet Uba IV. Apparently, him and his found Ubese bounty hunter family are all exiles from Uba IV. They all committed a crime and were convicted, leading to even their names being expunged from ALL records. Their families don't even speak their names. So crazy sad. The other Ubese call Boushh, "Boss" and pretty much go along with whatever he asks. They all seem to have that deep bond with each other that comes from having a found family. See them labeled with their names below.

We also meet the Tagge Corporation Executive Board, all who think Lady Domina is too big for her britches. The thing is...she lives up to the hype. I would NEVER want to be in a position where I had to go up against her! See all of them pictured below with their names and some dialogue noting their desires for the Tagge Corporation. These people are backstabbing narcissists with spies in every corner. It's no wonder one of them completely turns on the family!

My only real gripe with this issue was the only very brief set of panels including Deva (the green bounty hunter with multi-colored feathers as hair who eats her exes). We were promised more of her when she was first introduced, but have only gotten mere snippets. I need SO much more!!

Before I get to spoilers, I wanted to share these two pictures of powerful women. First Margo (Qi'ra's second-in-command of Crimson Dawn) and second Lady Domina Tagge:










The surprising ending in which Lady Domina presents a proposal to Boushh was crazy!! She says, "It's unusual to see Ubese off of Uba IV. Ubese society is notoriously isolationist--they rarely even establish trade with outsiders. It took us generations to open those routes. [She then acknowledges that Boushh and company are exiles.] Tell me what you know about your real employer and I'll give you 300,000...and I'll help you return to Uba IV. [...] The Tagge Corporation maintains a connection with Uba IV. A little leverage goes a long way." Boushh readily agrees to the proposition, telling Lady Domina that Crimson Dawn was pulling the strings. Dun dun dun!!!! Can't wait to see where this goes...


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