Out of the Shadows by Justina Ireland

Out of the Shadows by Justina Ireland

What a fantastic book!!! Unexpected to me, it takes place completely after The Rising Storm (adult novel) and Race to Crashpoint Tower (middle grade novel)--the three books rounding out the second phase or wave or event of the High Republic publishing campaign. It is also, of course, the Young Adult novel. Do not let that turn you off of reading this book because it has it where it counts: well fleshed-out characters with development, intrigue upon intrigue, more insight into the current plight of the Jedi, and a CRUCIAL part of the High Republic story going forward happens in this novel...NOT the adult novel!!! I want to make that very clear. I'm sure they'll recap in the next phase or wave or event, but the story around this crucial part is mind-blowing and exciting and potentially very sweet. So I very highly recommend this book! Actually, I'm just now realizing, I think this now ties with my #1 favorite canon novel (Pirate's Price)...it is that good. 

Sylvestri Yarrow (middle on the cover photo), Jordanna Sparkburn, Vernestra Rwoh (right on the cover photo), Imri Cantaros (left on the cover photo) are our main characters and, for the most part, the action takes place on Coruscant as well as in space. The new characters are beyond wonderful and I am smitten with Sylvestri Yarrow, the 18 year old hauler with a broken heart. Honestly, the Jedi are ever present in this story, but it's Sylvestri who the book is really about--how she perceives Jedi, what her moral code looks like, her romance with Jordanna Sparkburn, and coming to terms with some very scary family secrets. I truly hope that we see more of her in future High Republic works. 

The story begins with Sylvestri Yarrow being pulled out of hyperspace in the Berenge sector and barely escaping with her life. She then goes to Coruscant to share the details of the incident with anyone who will listen, but gets tangled up in a mess courtesy of Xylan Graf. Simultaneously, four Jedi (Vernestra, Imri, Reath, and Cohmac) travel to Coruscant, Vernestra and Imri to meet with Senator Starros and Reath and Cohmac to discuss the civil war on Genetia. On their way, the Jedi make a pitstop on Tiikae to deal with some Nihil raiders and end up picking up Jordanna Sparkburn (see more on her below), the deputy of Tiikae and Sylvestri's ex-girlfriend--there's nothing left for her on Tiikae after the Nihil attack. Sylvestri and Xylan's path collides with the four Jedi's and Jordanna's as the strange bedfellows journey out to the Berenge sector to investigate the incidents occurring with the hyperspace anomaly. But, not all is at it seems...

Below I'll be talking about the different characters in the story. I've done my best to exclude true spoilers. So if you want to dig a little deeper into what this book offers, read on... 

Sylvestri Yarrow is a fabulous new character whose mother was killed in a Nihil attack on their ship the Switchback. The eighteen year old is brave and strong, having gone through the loss of her mother and the subsequent mounting debt of owning the ship. Learn more about her in yesterday's episode of Aphra's Artifacts!! As the book opens, the Switchback is pulled out of hyperspace into the Berenge sector and the Nihil attack, but Sylvestri and crew, the Sullustan Neeto Janajana and M-227, make a run for it in an escape pod. The rest of the story is definitely her story of the wild aftermath.

We've seen Vernestra Rwoh before, the green Mirialan with "six tiny diamonds arranged in two vertical rows" at the corners of her eyes. She perceives the Force as a wide sea fueled by babbling brooks and rushing rivers. She's one of the youngest knights ever to be seen at the age of, now, seventeen.  There's this interesting quote about her relationship with romantic attraction, "She could tell when someone was attractive, and there were people she liked more than others, but she had never felt the push/pull of attraction so many other Padawans did when they came of age. She supposed that had made it easier for her." She struggles with the realities of having a Padawan and doubts her ability to be a good mentor. Her skills are in dueling and diplomacy. She has an ability that is quite disturbing to her, and that she keeps a secret from most, of being able to "lose herself in hyperspace, her consciousness traveling while in that liminal space." Stellan Gios has always wanted her to cultivate this strange talent, but she's too scared to do so. Unfortunately, a form of the talent re-emerges in this story as she sees visions of the future while in hyperspace...a future that comes true... As for the story, Stellan Gios, her former master, calls her to Coruscant at the behest of a Republic senator, none other than Senator Starros, whose daughter Vernestra watched over in the middle grade novel (also by Justina Ireland), A Test of Courage--Avon Starros. Her mission is to investigate what is happening in the Berenge sector with ships being pulled out of hyperspace. With her Nihil experiences and with a deep care for the galaxy, Vernestra would much rather stay on the frontier, helping eliminate the still present threat. When she realizes Senator Starros has been manipulating her and the situation from the very beginning, she is not happy at all. Starros knew that Vernestra's youth would infuriate Xylan, regardless of whether or not it was Vernestra who saved her daughter's life over a year before. When Cohmac and Reath join the group, Vernestra worries immensely that her former master, Stellan, doesn't think she's capable of the mission. I would totally be the same way, I feel her hardcore!

Imri Cantaros, Vernestra's Padawan, is gaining strong powers as an empath, "able to sense the slightest shift in the moods of those around him." His empathic abilities also give him the power to "smooth" the emotions of others. As Reath puts it, "You soothed my annoyance. Not so much manipulated it but just, kind of dulled the sensation." Vernestra is aghast at this new ability and is determined to help Imri quash it down. She doesn't even like it when she lets Imri try it on her and she says it simply feels as if "Imri was sharing a happy moment with her." To help Imri with his burgeoning empathic abilities, Reath suggests the philosophies of Samara the Blue--"The Genetians have very violent emotional swings, one moment happy, the next angry, and they instinctively project these emotions at one another through the Force. [Samara the Blue] came up with a series of meditations to help her while posted at the temple there." In regards to his background, "his father was from Genetia, and his mother was from Hynestia so he lived on both planets until they discovered he was Force-sensitive and they took him to the Temple on Hynestia." This makes some of the seeming inconsistencies from A Test of Courage make a lot more sense! 

Master Cohmac took his Padawan, Reath, on a mission to collect data tapes from the ruins of Genetia. He seems like the perfect master for the bookish Reath, but even the young Padawan is getting overwhelmed with all the artifact collecting. Apparently, Genetia is "spiraling toward civil war" and so Cohmac saves "almost two entire libraries and a museum's worth of artifacts." Things get a bit dangerous on their mission as their "last few days on Genetia had been spent hiding from revolutionaries who thought the Jedi were emissaries of a demon king"!!! Ha! And this quote is hysterical, "Master Cohmac looked more like a senator of the Republic than a Jedi. The human male's robes were carefully tailored to set off his slim frame, and his dark beard was knife's edge precise against his dusky skin."--all this to say, rumors abound that he's a hot commodity for romantic fantasies, lol.

Reath Silas, Cohmac's Padawan, is realizing that maybe he likes adventure after all...but only after the expedition to Genetia leaves him feeling like he's not doing his part to stop the Nihil threat. As one character thinks, Reath "was a studious human with pale skin, brown hair, eyes that shone with intelligence, and an utterly adorable aversion to adventure." But, he becomes so used to doing things in dangerous places, that he finds it difficult to even sleep when back in the safety of Starlight Beacon. After arriving on Coruscant, Reath has the sudden realization that, "Now Reath felt like he belonged among the stars, doing what he could to protect the galaxy from people like Nan. He was anxious to get back to Starlight Beacon and the mission there." Look for his original story in the young adult novel, Into the Dark.

Nan is a Nihil baddie first seen in Into the Dark. According to Reath, "She was the kind of girl you noticed but immediately forgot, unremarkable in her features. Round cheeks, pale skin, dark hair with blue streaks." She has no facial tattoos, no piercings, and wears no mask. At this point in the story, her position within the Nihil is ambiguous. She doesn't have a specific rank and yet is still allowed to be on Marchion Ro's ship the Gaze Electric and she gets sent on a very important mission with Mari San Tekka, the super ancient woman who provides the paths to the Nihil, under her care. Her ship is the Whisperkill. She desires to have her own Tempest in the future--"a squad of spies and information brokers, those who realized the value in a secret known and an official bribed." 

Kisma Uttersond is the "rotund" Chadra-Fan doctor who works for Marchion Ro and helps keep the Oracle, Mari San Tekka, alive. He has a robotic leg. In the adult novel Rising Storm, he tortures Jedi Master Loden Greatstorm aboard Marchion Ro's ship, the Gaze Electric.

Xylan Graf is a super wealthy and very eccentric twenty-two year old man. According to Syl, he "always has an explanation that sounds completely plausible, even if the logic is fuzzier than a bemeer fruit." When we first meet him, the narrative says, "The stranger wore a deep-green tunic that probably cost more than Syl had made in the past year. His dark hair was shorn closely on the sides, with the top left long and artfully sculpted into a high wave, and his skin was a lighter brown than Syl's, with a reddish tint to it. His eyes were the sort of blue that was rarely natural and usually the result of beauty treatments, and seemed incongruous next to such a dark complexion. Everything about the man screamed wealth, and he was as out of place in the tavern as a Jawa in a crowded city." One of his crazier outfits: "a bodysuit made of what looked to be some kind of purple leather, the front open to his navel in a deep V that revealed a good bit of his brown chest and made Master Cohmac raise an appreciative eyebrow when he thought no one was watching."...wait...is Master Cohmac a gay Jedi?!?!? "Xylan Graf lived in the penthouse of a glittering jewel of a building. the main floor featured a number of protection droids, another Gigoran as well as a Wookiee, and feral-looking human guards, their uniforms not dampening the glint of malice in their eyes. The people in the lobby looked less like hired security and more like gladiators." Yeah, the man owns this building and it has two thousand above ground floors with one-hundred and twenty-five below ground floors for sky cars! He lives on the top ten. The building was given to him on his eighteenth birthday by his grandmere, the Matriarch, in exchange for him making it a profitable endeavor. Has a pet Grand Theljian snow dog named Plinka who likes to pretend to be a chair to trick people into sitting on her. Ha! She has "six stocky legs and a wide, smiling mouth" with two sets of eyes, a huge blue tongue, and tiny ears. He has a pleasure yacht called the Resplendent Pearl. His stakes in the game are the Berenge sector itself as the Graf family wants the area for experimental reasons, but the Republic believes academics could use it better. The San Tekkas controlled it decades ago to also conduct dangerous hyperspace experiments. The idea that the Nihil are building a hyperspace weapon in that location of space has caused a serious gumming up of the works as well. 

Basha is Xylan's female Gigoran bodyguard and head of security who may or may not be on the up and up...

Chancey Yarrow is Slyvestri's mother and although she doesn't feature physically in the book all that much, she is talked about a lot! According to Xylan, she "was a bit of a rabble-rouser, organizing the Lastelle Collective before it went defunct, not to mention her petitioning to deregulate and open up a number of private hyperspace lanes." Unbeknownst to her daughter, Sylvestri, Chancey attended the Academy of Carida which "was once a preeminent school of study for not just war but the very difficult business of discouraging conflict. [A largely peaceful galaxy put the Academy out of favor with most.] The college, in dismay at its declining enrollment, instituted a program of recruitment amongst the Outer Rim and less populous planets in order to remain relevant." "She had a theory about artificial gravity wells, and how they could be used to force ships out of hyperspace at opportune moments. It was the perfect meld of the battle tactics she'd learned and the hyperspace theory she loved." To Sylvestri, her mother "had been brash and sometimes embarrassing, loving and stern." As for her appearance, "She wore billowy, free-flowing dresses that seemed better suited to a farming community than to raiding, and she was barefoot, her feet tattooed in a swirling pattern."

Professor Thaddeus Wolk is a gray Gungan who has some serious sneaking suspicions about Chancey Yarrow's actual whereabouts. He does not believe her to be dead one bit, but instead thinks she is working with the Nihil, helping them develop a hyperspace weapon. As he puts it to Sylvestri, "Your mother was the most brilliant student I ever taught," having been Chancey's professor at the Academy of Carida. He is "the preeminent expert on theoretical hyperspace physics." 

The Grafs in general: "Not only had they heavily financed Starlight Beacon, but they controlled a large part of the shipping in the Inner Rim and had a huge stake in the Outer Rim. They had made their money a generation before as hyperspace prospectors, mapping out new lanes and by-ways. At least half of the more readily traveled hyperspace lanes had been discovered and marked by the Grafs, and rumor was that they even had private hyperspace lanes that could be used for a very hefty fee." This is all so fascinating to me because we know that Milo and Lina Graf (Adventures in Wild Space middle-grade novel series) are not rich and even end up working for the Rebellion. This isn't even to mention Emil Graf ("Star Wars Adventures" IDW comic series) years in the future, who seems to be fairly alone in the world except for his two droids and Kowakian Monkey-Lizard. But maybe it's just that the later Grafs have returned to the family's humble beginnings as Xylan says, "The Grafs were not always rich. A few hundred years ago we were once haulers like you, and then my family had the great idea to split off into hyperspace prospecting, discovering new lanes and byways through space. Dangerous work, which also meant it was profitable."

Jordanna Sparkburn (a San Tekka) is the deputy of Tiikae and joins Sylvestri, Xylan, Basha, and the four Jedi on their journey to the Berenge sector. She also happens to be Sylvestri's ex-girlfriend and is one serious bada**. Check out next week's Aphra's Artifacts, Monday at 6pm central) for more details on her!!

Remy is Jordanna's pet vollka, "a hunting cat with rosettes of green and blue, nearly the size of a small human." When upset, electricity crackles "between the elegantly curving horns on her head." As Jordanna says, the cat has been in the San Tekka family "for over a century, found long ago as a kit by one of my more adventurous ancestors." Vollka are from Mirran Six. They are so fast that it's rumored they "have the ability to fade into their surroundings and become invisible."

Interestingly, the Jedi of the High Republic are dealing with a very similar, if stickier situation, as to the Jedi of the Prequel Trilogy. What does it mean to be at war for a peace-keeper?? Or, as Vernestra puts it, "Is it the right thing to seek them out and destroy them before they claim more lives?" A conundrum for sure. The Prequel Jedi mostly battled droids so they weren't taking lives, but these Jedi are dealing with living, breathing beings as the baddies. According to Master Cohmac, "since the Great Disaster, the High Council has gotten more and more involved in the affairs of the Republic. The Republic is out of their depth at the moment, and the Order helps all those who ask for our assistance. And of course, there are those who truly feel this work takes us away from the more important work of the Order, from our meditations and philosophies. This is a time of change for all of us. The Nihil prowl the hyperspace lanes, the Republic has grown larger and more powerful than ever before, and as more and more planets are brought into contact with each other, things are bound to change." And then, "The Jedi have a duty to protect life and maintain balance, so working with the Republic government is a given. But the Jedi follow the Force. We are the light, and we cannot blindly follow any other edict but that one. We go where we can best chase away the darkness in the galaxy, and we must not serve any other cause but that." To put some context into the High Republic Jedi's history, apparently, there was a massacre long ago on Dalna in which the Jedi were asked to fight the Republic's battles and it did not go well, making the idea of becoming like soldiers leave a bad taste in many mouths. Vernestra Rwoh has to say about this whole conundrum, "What we need is a fully coordinated response with the Republic, not the piecemeal actions we've taken over the past couple months." Master Rosason replies with, "The Jedi are not soldiers, and what you are describing sounds perilously close to war. And that should never be the inclination of the Order. It should always be a means of last resort." If only he knew...

Mari San Tekka or the Oracle is how the Nihil get their paths. She is brilliant and can calculate hyperspace jumps in her head. She's also insanely ancient, well over 100 years...and a human, and is being kept alive, just barely. According to Chancey, "Mari San Tekka's disappearance was one of the greatest mysteries of a hundred years ago. This was after the Hyperspace Rush, when hyperspace in the outer regions was not nearly as well mapped out as it is now. The San Tekkas had always been a bit hardscrabble, but they suddenly ran into a bit of luck, mapping new routes through places like the Relgim Run and the Bitmus Cloud, high-value routes. The Graf family, their competitors, hired an information broker to find out their secret, and it was her. That woman has an ability to see all of the possible routes through hyperspace, time and location phased. [...] Her brain is the equivalent of nearly ten thousand navicomputers, all working together. At least."


Minor Characters:

-Jedi Master Jorinda Boffrey: "a Delphidian with stripy, leathery skin and a gentle manner," stationed at the Jedi Temple in Port Haileap, offered Vernestra a place at his temple

-Master Stellan Gios: "strode into a room and fairly demanded someone give him a leadership position." Has an office in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant that his former master, Rana Kant, used to inhabit. He is the former master of Vernestra Rwoh.

-Marchion Ro, the Eye of the Nihil: used to be more of a loner, despite running a vast criminal organization, but he's starting to open up and allow his Tempest Runners to come on his ship and to know some of his secrets. Physically, he has long black hair, gray leathery skin, all black eyes, obsidian talons, and a ruffle at the edges of his ears. For more details on the Nihil's structural organization, check out my review of Light of the Jedi

-KRIX SHOWS UP!!!! This is one of the ongoing characters in the "High Republic Adventures" series!!! He was taken from the planet Trymant IV and turned against his best friend, Zeen, when he found out she could use the Force. He's now taken up residence with the Nihil and is another person with an ambiguous position in the organization.

-Kara Xoo: a Quarren and the newest Tempest Runner, "thought torture was a spectator sport," "mostly smash and a little grab"

-Lourna Dee: She is another Tempest Runner. I'm confused with this bit of information--"her speech patterns sometimes slipped into a moneyed Hosnian Prime accent"--wait, huh?? She's from a backwater colony of Ryloth. Yes, she was from the ruling family on that planet, but her accent was the typical Rylothian French-ish accent. We know this because of the Tempest Runner audiodrama. The woman is actually working with the Graf family (very wealthy denizens of the galaxy)--corruption in the highest places. She is working on a large weapon called the Gravity's Heart that acts as an artificial gravity well. This is what is bringing ships out of hyperspace in the Berenge sector. The station is wheel-shaped and "sat in the midst of an orange-and-yellow radiation cloud [...] It looked as though someone had spliced together more than a dozen ships, connecting them to form the outside of the wheel, while hollow shipping containers made up the spokes."

-Neeto Janajana: A Sullustan who is the sole crew member of Sylvestri's on the Switchback. After escaping the Nihil attack, remains behind on Haileap to work in the docking yard (along with M-227) as laborers so they can earn some money.

-Master Josiah: "a Jedi counselor who helped ensure Jedi remained balanced after terrible events," said "that remembering was part of how one dealt with the pain and trauma of a disaster"

-Preeti: "The human was small for her age and had burnished brown skin and straight black hair in a short angular cut, her Padawan braid hanging only to her shoulders." Helps run the starship pool for Jedi on Starlight Beacon.

-Master Nubarron: a CLOUD Jedi!!! Like, they look and float like an actual cloud!! Has an amorphous body tinged purple and pink. Speaks telepathically. And is bound and determined that Vernestra will not get another ship to destroy... "Some had theorized that they came from a planet in Wild Space, that they were perhaps an unknown race of Filar-Nitzan, with their purple coloring; others speculated that whatever species they came from was especially good at avoiding discovery, opting to blend in as part of the weather." Talk about freaking crazy rotfl--this is weirder than the Lepi!! They were discovered "as a sideshow in a not very reputable circus." Cantankerous--"Master Nubbaron merely shaded from purple to scarlet, small lightning bolts illuminating their puffy curves." Uses a green lightsaber. Lives in a jar...?!? I can't even with this lmfao. There will definitely be an upcoming Aphra's Artifacts on Master Nubarron!!

Senator Ghirra Starros: senator of Hosnian Prime, Avon Starros's mother (see A Test of Courage!), according to Sylvestri upon first meeting the woman--"completely and absolutely normal" haha!, "a small woman who wore a plain, heavy robe in deepest green with a body-hugging underdress in a paler shade of green. Her only jewelry was a heavy bronze necklace with a medallion that sat just above her breasts. Her skin was deep brown like Syl's, but where Syl's wild curls were given free reign, Senator Starros's hair was knit into ropey locks that had been piled on top of her head. She wore no cosmetics that Syl could ascertain, not even a hint of lip tint, and the realization that the senator's beauty was completely unenhanced knocked Syl a bit off balance. The woman was gorgeous, and if Syl's heart hadn't been so recently broken, she might have found herself with a bit of a crush." D'awww!!! So cute!!! Xylan on the other hand sees Senator Starros totally differently, "even though you are a San Tekka ally, please don't forget that your debt at the moment is to the Grafs. Without us, Starlight Beacon and your Dalnan treaty would be nothing but the hopes of a woman quickly falling out of favor." Yikes!! Burn!! Although, Sylvestri does quickly realize that there might be some truth to Xylan's gripes with the woman. Apparently, the Valo Restoration contract went to one of her family's holding companies.

Kyrie: an aide of Senator Starros, pale-skinned human, red hair in a similar style to the senator

Ashdree Marq: a female Balosar security official on Coruscant

Catriona Graf: the Matriarch of the Graf family, has many many secrets!, funded a large portion of Starlight Beacon, her estate is called Everbloom due to the lush gardens inhabiting the space

Saffa (a Twi'lek) and Kantuck (a Gigoran) are servants of Catriona Graf. 



-Tiikae: A small planet and sparsely populated. "Settlers have only been here for the last seventy-five years or so, and that is thanks to the San Tekkas. There is not much here but what you see with your eyes." Where Jordanna Sparkburn and Sylvestri Yarrow meet (long before the book begins). Ravaged by Drengir attacks and now dealing with Nihil incursions. Master of the Temple there is a Chagrian with a missing horn named Oprand Qwen. The temple on Tiikae was "originally established as a waystation for Jedi bringing younglings from the frontier--before Starlight Beacon was built [...] But we also settle disputes within the town proper." According to Jordanna, "Tiikae used to lie at the juncture of two decently sized hyperspace lanes, but a comet came through a couple decades ago and the debris left behind made one of the hyperlanes too dangerous to traverse. And since then it's just been...awful. First the Nihil came, so we hired mercenaries who drank too much and then wreaked their own havoc on the town instead of doing their jobs. [...] then had Zygerrians come through trying to kidnap settlers, and Hutts right after that. And all that doesn't even count the Drengir." DANG!!! That is all terrible...



-Hyperspace: "Ideally, a pilot would be able to calculate a jump off of at least three beacons. The more hits, the better a ship could understand its precise location, and how to get somewhere else, hence the need for triangulation." Master Cohmac says, "There is much our experts still do not know about hyperspace, despite thousands of years of prospecting and analysis." According to hyperspace classes taught by and for Jedi, "There was some thought among Jedi scholars that hyperspace was part of the cosmic Force, the lanes rivers of energy that sprang from some unknown font. Others saw hyperspace as another dimension, a shadow of the world occupied by the living Force, and said that was why planets and other real objects impacted hyperspace as they did."

-Valo was apparently a brand new planet to the Republic at the time of the Republic Fair (see The Rising Storm and Race to Crashpoint Tower.

-"The living Force was the energy that connected all living things to one another, but the cosmic Force was the galaxy itself and was wide and vast. It was easy to get lost in the massiveness of it all if one desired."

-The Belt Runner was a Graf owned ship that was supposedly flying from Hosnian Prime to Kessel when it got pulled out of hyperspace into the Berenge sector.

-We get somewhat of a flashback to A Test of Courage with Imri saying, "I miss the noodle cart next to the dockmaster's office and Avon's reckless experiments and the scent of marble-wood trees. I even miss Jay-Six's weird behavior. I've still never met a droid like her. But I don't know if I would be the Jedi I am now if I hadn't ever left. It would still just be me and Master Douglas, talking to travelers and occasionally chasing off pirates."

-"for most Jedi their trials required dealing with something they weren't skilled in"

-The Fraunesaa was "an old cube-shaped hauler that had been confiscated from a Hutt slaver who had been intercepted when he was forced to stop on Starlight Beacon." This is the ship that Imri, Vernestra, Cohmac, and Reath take from Starlight Beacon to Coruscant.

-A huge tapestry hangs in the entrance of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant that depicts "the battle between the Jedi and the Sith" with the Jedi as soothing blue swirls and the Sith as red lightning bolts. It "was made over two hundred years ago by the famous Jedi artist Sherche La Plenn, an Ubdurian who served as the first marshal in the temple on Sag Kemper."

-Yaddle has taken a sabbatical on Kronk.

-Emerick Caphtor is a Jedi with dark skin who has listened to Stellan speak on Vernestra's accomplishments and wishes to battle her one day in a lightsaber duel.

-Hon-Tallos is a planet with a Jedi temple.

-LOVE this reference courtesy of Chancey Yarrow in regards to Mari San Tekka, "No one else could do what she does. Not even a room full of Siniteens."

-The senate had just passed a bill that would give "a five-year privacy clause to any new hyperspace lanes mapped by private companies," a bill the Grafs were very interested in seeing go through

-This book's "I have a bad feeling about this" goes to Reath Silas!

-The Vengeful Goddess is an experimental Graf ship. "Cutting-edge laser cannons, four sublight engines, even a point-five-rated hyperdrive with tandem-processing navicomputer that operates twice as fast as most others."

-"The gas the Nihil used was manufactured by Zygerrians to subdue revolts among the enslaved." It also knocks dead a Jedi's ability to feel and use the Force! Sassa-berry juice "is designed to help the body flush out impurities. It is an excellent restorative to counteract the effects of poisonous gas."

-The Merry Maker is a terrifying Nihil weapon. You snap it together into a circlet and then, "It glowed pink like a strange sort of vibro-blade, but Jordanna sent it spinning with no care or elegance, the thing arcing through the air and cutting through everything it touched. It sliced through the nearest masked Nihil like a hot knife through soft cheese and then arced again before hitting the next one."

If the ending of the book is any indication, don't worry I'm not really giving anything away, it looks like Maz Kanata may be showing up in future High Republic tales!!


There's not all that much more to say except go buy this book!!! 

-Marie E. Wilson a.k.a. @AliaMorgaine


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