Darth Vader comic #14: Burning Seas, Part II by Charles Soule

"Darth Vader #14: Burning Seas, Part II" written by Charles Soule, illustrated by Giuseppe Camuncoli, Daniele Orlandini, and David Curiel
     While a fascinating story, especially with the revelation of the Jedi behind the curtain, not much action takes place in this issue. It consisted mostly of long discussions between a variety of different people.  I actually quite enjoyed all the dialogue--I found it interesting and thought it deepened the story. Plus we get a good bit of canon connections here. And I absolutely love the cover art this time!
     The Battle of Dac City takes place on Mon Cala as Vader, Ninth Sister, Tenth Brother (a human, I think...interesting), and a couple of other Inquisitors clear the landing platform for their arrival. Quarren and Mon Calamari alike fight for their city--so cool to see the two usually-at-each-other's-throats species working together for a shared cause. While discussing the whereabouts of the king, Vader flashes back to the Clone Wars and we get a glimpse of Jar Jar, Ahsoka, and possibly Padme!
     Ferren Barr is the Iktotchi Jedi Master who has been advising King Lee Char. He knows of Anakin's fall to the Dark Side and that he is now Darth Vader. He even knows of Order 66 from studying up on the Jedi Purge. The canon connections made here to Revenge of the Sith were spot on.
     King Lee Char sends giant whales all across the planet to create tidal waves that destroy the surface cities. Now the Imperials have a hard task in front of them of attacking under sea from aerial bases.
     Vader and his Inquistors were on the surface when the tidal waves hit! They held back the water for as long as they could, but eventually it was too much to hold. And we end with Vader floating deep beneath the water...to his doom?? Of course not! We know Vader goes on for long after this, but how will he escape his new watery prison? Can't wait to find out what happens next!


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