From A Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back by various (Part 6/8)

From A Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back by various (Part 6/8)

I did enjoy this 6th set of 5, but only 1 really stood out. The other 4 seemed more inconsequential and didn't add all that much to how I might experience my next viewing of The Empire Strikes Back. I love getting stories of minor and previously undisclosed characters, that's the bread and butter of these FACPOV collections, but when it doesn't affect your overall perspective of the movie, then it just doesn't seem all that necessary. I mean, honestly, none of this is necessary lol. But when a story somehow sideswipes the main narrative, even barely touching it, and reshapes and reforms the way you view the story from then on out, that's a stellar story. "There is Always Another" was absolutely that for me as Obi-Wan's story during this movie's timeline. "Fake It Till You Make It" was heartwarming and sweet in the end and featured the loveable/hateable Jaxxon which is always a super fun time. "But What Does He Eat?" was enjoyable simply for reading through the main character's process of coming up with and cooking fantastically interesting dishes. But "Standard Imperial Procedure" and "Beyond the Clouds" neither made much sense and I think are the two weakest stories in the collection so far. I only have 10 more stories to go so I guess we'll soon see how the next two sets of 5 compare!


"Standard Imperial Procedure" by Sarwat Chadda

Following a trio of sanitation workers (Ashon, Peet, and Colm), this story shows us how Boba Fett managed to get Slave I over to the trash removal area of the Star Destroyer Avenger and thus in perfect position to follow the Millennium Falcon as it drifted off with the trash. Throughout the story you really feel for the main character, Ashon, who used to be Head of Engineering but after one small mistake got demoted to sanitation--his pension and any clout he'd garnered gone for good. And that's before the story even starts!! The way everything ends for Ashon is truly spine-chilling. The title "Standard Imperial Procedure" references the protocols and procedures for dealing with broken down ships and refuse disposal...unfortunately, one of Ashon's crew chooses the wrong day to not half-a** his job.

A couple of things I found very interesting and quite unfortunate were: 1) Peet says about Alderaan, "Don't mean what happened happened the way people say it happened." So the Empire isn't too loose with it's secrets even amongst the loyal navy. 2) In Star Destroyers, there are two sides of the mess hall--one for officers (and I mean ALL officers even the brand new petty officer upstarts which drives Ashon mad) where fine cuisine is served by droids and one for the troopers and menial laborers where they serve themselves slop (orgo-protein that is "gray and glistening with oil.").

I feel like the how of Slave I getting to the trash removal area is overly complicated so I'll keep it short and sweet. Boba Fett had left the Executor, having tricked Dengar and Bossk into lightspeeding (see my review of "Wait for It") far away from what he knew to be the real place of action, and then returned immediately to the Avenger proclaiming a coolant leak. Once on board, he pretended to not be in his ship while Ashon and crew hauled it away from the docking bay and to the stripped-down-ship bay where he was able to be released with the refuse and thus follow the Falcon.

In the midst of all of the above happening, Ashon notices the Falcon attached to the side of the Avenger--"It looked like a piece of junk. Exposed systems seemingly welded on at random; over-sized power couplings that should shake a ship that size apart. But as a feat of engineering, it was something beautiful." Unfortunately, Fett notices Ashon noticing the Falcon and...knocks him out...after pretending to agree to a split of the bounty. Ashon wakes up in one of the completely stripped down shuttles as its floating out into space..."Twenty years on the space lanes. Twenty years of seeing the stars, just like the Imperial Navy had promised. And now he'd be among them, forever." SHIVER!! This is so freaking terrifying.

A little info on the protocols and procedures mentioned above: "Despite the Empire's near-endless resources, it was standard procedure to salvage any still-operational equipment, lest it fall into rebel hands. The power panels on the TIEs were valuable; the squadrons went through them at a horrific rate, so replacements were always in high demand." I found this absolutely fascinating!!! We always hear about how disposable Imperial people are, but it turns out their tech is not as disposable, even despite its cheap design. 

I think I just found it strange that there were two Boba Fett stories explaining the whole "how did Boba Fett track the Millennium Falcon" situation and just one would have been plenty.

Trivia: Apparently, Imperial pensions are doubled when you're on board a ship and there are fleet bonuses for which a bigger ship meant a bigger pay off.


"There is Always Another" by Mackenzi Lee

I know there are people that were skeptical of this one or had problems with the premise, but I for one thought it was perfection! It does start off with Obi-Wan in death saying, "I had hoped that dying would be enough to untangle me from the Skywalker family's issues. And yet here I am again, Obi-Wan Kenobi, one with the Force and still the only thing standing between a Skywalker and an impulse decision that could have galactic consequences." I for one, feel for the guy!! Yes, he loves the Skywalkers, we all know that, but you can love people and still be frustrated and exhausted by them. That's just reality. Things are never all roses and rainbows in life! 

He also denigrates Yoda's decision to go to Dagobah saying that the Jedi Master, had been "determined to make a meal of his martyrdom" and then that the Jedi Order's "dedication to posturing theatrics is alive and well in Master Yoda." I mean...he has a really good point. But Yoda does use his exile to make himself a stronger, better being as evidenced in "Vergence" (the story from the pov of the cave). 

Obi-Wan looks back on his time in the Temple and thinks, "I had never questioned any of it when I lived in the Temple--the robes and the ceremony and the rituals and the endless rules that had been carved into me so deeply and at such a young age that I sometimes couldn't discern what I actually believed in and what had simply been told to me over and over before I was old enough to understand what any of it meant." He goes on to reference the Skywalkers by saying, "I'd never had a real chance to figure out what sort of Jedi--let alone what sort of Master-- I wanted to be without [Qui-Gon] before this nine-year-old prodigy no one wanted was thrust upon me, an entire life suddenly and totally dependent on me, and my life recalibrated around being the man this scrappy hothead needed so he could fulfill his destiny. No time to decide what kind of man I was when I was entirely  occupied trying to keep a child alive and trained and convinced that, yes, everyone was thrilled to have him among us, no matter the rough start he'd had with the Council, and, yes, Mace Windu scowled at everyone like that." The reader/viewer has to understand that Obi-Wan's Padawan-ship was cut short by Qui-Gon's death. He wasn't meant to suddenly be a Knight with a Padawan himself. Plus, Knights usually get some time to come into their own before being given a Padawan in the first place. Obi-Wan had to grow up very fast and essentially become a father figure to a 9-year-old before his own training was even complete. I totally get his frustrations and doubts!

There's some great description of the Skywalkers as a whole, "The Skywalkers are wildfires, their passions scorching the dirt as soon as they're given a spark. Even Leia was already well known for her ability to set the Empire on fire with nothing but a wet match." This is so freaking good!! "A wet match"!! Haha! And it's just so true about all 3 of Ben Solo. Obi-Wan also notices Luke has the same blaze of determination in his eyes as Anakin had! "And now here is his son looking at me with those same flushed cheeks, caring too much about everything, and both my life and death would be so much easier if the Skywalkers didn't care so damn much." "The Skywalkers always want to do the right thing. It's what gets them every time." Yes, yes, and yes!!! Anakin cared and loved so incredibly deeply that he couldn't help but be lured by the Dark Side. His mother, Padme--anyone laying a finger on these two women didn't have long before facing his wrath born of love. "The Skywalkers could level planets with their obstinacy. Though Padme was like that, too. I suppose this boy was doomed from the start, a stubborn streak in him running deep and true as the kyber heart of a star." And I have to admit that this rings true as well, Padme was a firebrand for sure with an unmatched determination once she set her mind to something.

Yoda of course makes the comment that "if you choose the quick and easy path, as Vader did, you will become an agent of evil." Obi-Wan thinks, "I want to point out that Anakin's path was never easy. He'd been plopped at the bottom of an impossible mountain the day Qui-Gon brought him to Coruscant and asked him to climb it in the dark with his boots laced together. [...] the Council had refused to take their Chosen One as he was rather than try to make him into the Jedi that fit their prophecy [...] you gave him obstacles no one else had to overcome. Any Jedi would have fallen." Clearly, despite lamenting over the Skywalkers and their negative aspects, Obi-Wan deeply cares for Anakin and his children. "Leave your mother for a prophecy you've never heard of, to join an Order of legendary peacekeepers who arrive on your planet only to tell you that they aren't there to free you from the barbaric system you're part of? That the legendary justice of the Jedi is for others. There is no justice on Tatooine. He was the Chosen One without any choices of his own." My freaking heart!!!!

Apparently, Obi-Wan appeared several times to Yoda and Luke during Luke's training as he says, "this isn't the first time I've had to make an appearance here to facilitate a group therapy session with him and Yoda." Ha!!

Trivia: Obi-Wan had a crush on some Jedi named Siri Tachi?? Strange, but interesting. There was an incident with Anakin and someone named Tru Veld having to do with fireworks in the Jedi reflecting pond...oh, Ani!


"Fake It Till You Make It" by Cavan Scott

Jaxxon!!! This is a really cute story involving Jaxxon doing the right thing when put in a tight spot. He's on Cloud City trying to get Lando to finance his new haulage venture when of course stormtroopers arrive and a Troglof family is put in danger. Instead of making off with some credits he stole from Lando's office, he saves the family and ferries them off to safety from the Empire. He has a good heart after all.

Let's back up a bit. Jaxxon swoops in to Lando's office dressed to the the cheapest way possible, essentially demanding that Lando give him money to help him get on the straight and narrow. Unbeknownst to Jaxxon, he's interrupted a meeting between Lando and Corovene, a Troglof, (tiny, beady eyes on stalks, thin tentacled arms), planning how the small being is going to escape from the Empire. 

Lando is so on edge during this whole ordeal because the Empire has already arrived and negotiated with him to set the trap for Luke. He ends up lecturing Jaxxon on how he's worked hard to put his past behind him and that Jaxxon should put in the work, too. "Jaxxon couldn't believe his ears. Lectured by Lando Calrissian of all people. Lando, who would sell his best friend if he thought he could make a quick credit. Lando, who had practically written the book on cheating at sabacc. Lando, who had broken enough hearts to fill the Typhonic Nebula."

So Jaxxon ends up in a supply closet with Corovene, his wife, and his two infant children. Apparently, "A Petrusian gunrunner had agreed to take [the family] to Lysatra [...] away from the Empire." Corovene was involved in a news-worthy heist of the International Banking Clan on Scipio but "only because [he] was promised funds to liberate Najiba from the Empire." Needless to say, s*** goes down and stormtroopers attack, leaving Jaxxon to save the family himself!

Lobot offers the poor Lepi a carrot juice before Jaxxon dodges the cyborg and he thinks, "A carrot juice? Of all the narrow-minded, bigoted things to say. Why not offer the Lepi a nice crisp lettuce while he was at it?" He later speaks to Lando about the unfairness of looking like a giant rabbit and says, "Looking like a shoal of walking squids never did the Mon Calamari any harm, and the least said about the Harches the better. Those guys are literally giant spiders for pity's sake." HAHA!! I freaking love it!

A couple of fun bits: 1) Jaxxon walks in on Vader at the banquet table and quickly runs away only to be immediately followed by a whole cadre of troopers. 2) "He hadn't felt this bad since he had challenged Black Krrsantan to a drinking game on Mitek-Por." BK!!!

This was a light-hearted, genuinely good story. But you can't really go wrong with Cavan Scott!

Trivia: Just as a reminder, Lando's full name is Landonis Balthazar Calrissian. Jaxxon's full name is Jaxxon T. Tumperakki--what a name! At one point, Jaxxon sold out Lando to Renza the Hutt. Another time he told Maz Kanata that it was Lando who stole the Corsair's hypercoils...when it was actually Jaxxon who'd done the thieving.


"But What Does He Eat?" by S. A. Chakraborty

I quite enjoyed this one although it was fairly inconsequential. Torro Sbazzle is the Devaronian Executive Chef of Cloud City who gets called in at a super early hour for her (she usually works late into the night/into the early morning) to make refreshments for a special guest. Even when Lando reveals to her the man on the other side of the one-way window--a looming form in all black from head to toe, "She rolled her eyes. 'Oh, come on, Lando. You're far too clever to fall for a bunch of rumors about some Imperial bogeyman who--' And then she jumped, sending a canister of cooking utensils clattering across the floor, as a contingent of soldiers in instantly recognizable, white armor swarmed behind the man Lando claimed was Darth Vader. 'Are those stormtroopers?' 'A whole ship's worth,' Calrissian confirmed grimly. Now do you believe me?'" Having come to the realization that all the horror stories about this menacing figure in black are actually true, Torro determines to hunker down and make what she believes may be her last meal--and if that's the case, she wants it to be the most stylish and delicious dinner she's ever made. 

One thing that makes Torro such a renowned cook is that she's a trained botanist. Her family owned a pharmaceutical business and as the eldest daughter, she was supposed to take over the business eventually. With a wanderlust to see the stars, Torro took off and found her place among the clouds above Bespin cooking lavish and scrumptious dishes. The meal she creates for Vader is intriguing and bizarre and it was quite delightful to read her cooking process. 

Her sous-chef, Gersolik, is a daring and brave Ugnaught who dares to consider poisoning Vader while the two cook since they are the only ones in the kitchen. Torro vaguely and super briefly weighs the prospect of going through with such a thing only to realize the consequences such an action would have, not just on her and Gersolik, but on Cloud City, on Devaron, on everyone she loves and cares about. "Her planet crawled with Imperials, its generals and high-ranking officials having turned Devaron's lush jungles and abundant wildlife into their own personal game preserve. [...] There were forests in Devaron now that were as thick with bones as they were with trees. Mines that blew off limbs and poisonous vapors that lingered." So Torro negates this idea completely and the two keep cooking even after the "guests" arrive early.

Interesting and odd tidbit: To help wake herself up, Torro doesn't reach for caff, but instead places two sulfur tabs beneath her tongue to dissolve. I'm not sure what in the world sulfur tabs would have in them that would result in such an effect, but according to the narrative, "The jolt hit her a moment later, and she was instantly more alert, the fresh scent of the plants more aromatic and the colors of the room more vivid."

Trivia: Devaronian skin is impervious to heat. Whipped frella-fish roe causes a dreamlike state if too much is consumed.


"Beyond the Clouds" by Lilliam Rivera

This is our third story starring a queer character!!! Which in its own right is fabulous but the premise of the tale didn't make much sense and it was a story without any real connection to the bigger part of the story. Isabalia is a wannabe bounty hunter who rents out a room from an Ugnaught woman named Recnelo Cott. Desperate to make a name for herself, the drab and plain Isabalia starts working for a dangerous and bad male Duros named Elad Zhalto--owner of the Azure Den, a place of underground gambling--to the tune of beating people up and "sending messages." Elad has promised to set her up a meeting with Boba Fett to help get her into the bounty hunting ranks for real. Boba Fett accepting a pupil?? Or even giving advice?? Yeah, freaking right. In the first place, I don't get how one can expect to make a living as a bounty hunter at all just living in one city and not traveling around. This is the first part that didn't really make any sense to me.

Upon arriving at work one morning, Isabalia discovers that her waitress crush is acting as dealer at one of Elad's tables. Isabalia thinks, "It's been a couple of months since I last saw her. She looks good, but then Joy always looks good. Joy is the only person on Cloud City my age who can cause me to stumble over my words. It must be those piercing dark-brown eyes. Even when she's smiling at you Joy is somehow sizing you up, checking to see where exactly you land." As they begin to talk, Joy says she's been watching Isabalia and the wannabe hunter thinks, "She's been watching me? Joy Iya? I try to hold her intense stare for as long as I can. One or two or hundreds of heartbeats pass, and I forget what I'm meant to be doing." Cute!! Eventually Joy passes on a card to Isabalia that says, "A Change. Sector Four."

What Isabalia finds in Sector Four is the beginnings of a labor dispute. The story ends with a change of heart in Isabalia, with her joining Joy and some others in a move to stop all work in the city to demand more rights and better treatment. It's all hoorah and let's go, but...the group is heading into the carbon freezing chamber...and we all know what's going on in that room at this point. I just don't get this story premise. It's unnecessary and simply doesn't work. Yay for more queerness but at least give us stories that flow with the narrative we're all familiar with...

Trivia: Beldons are iridescent jellylike creatures that "drift and tumble into one another as if they're performing an orchestrated dance." Apparently they are actually sedated to keep them from their fierce natural state.


So all 5 stories were enjoyable tales, it was just that a few of them didn't hold the same import as some of the ones from the previous sets of 5. I'm so looking forward to the last 10 and seeing what they're going to do with the small amount of movie that's left!!


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