The Mandalorian: Chapter 12--The Siege

The Mandalorian: Chapter 12--The Siege, written by Jon Favreau, directed by Carl Weathers

Oh my goodness!!! This episode was freaking hysterical and super mysterious!!! Between The Child being asked to figure out how to rewire the ship to The Child stealing macaroons from a student at a school by secretly using the Force to a freefall in a ship complete with comical "Ahhhh!!"s, I giggled multiple times throughout this one and it was wonderful. But we also got some crazy cool spooky secrets hinted at and I'm chomping at the bit to find out more!!!

So The Child rewiring the ship was totally reminiscent of Baby Groot with Rocket Raccoon imploring him to not press the big button (see below). Mando is desperately trying to prevent The Child from bringing the red and blue wires together, but the little one just can't resist!...and he gets fried.

Cara Dune busts back onto the scene by attacking a nest of Aqualish and it is some bada** stuff!!! Man can she throw down! Apparently, she's become the Marshall of her and Greef Karga's city on Nevarro and the two of them together keep the peace. When Din arrives to have his ship repaired, they co-opt him into helping them complete a mission to destroy the last remaining Imperial base on the planet (see below)...but all is not as it seems...

Greef Karga makes an interesting point that the Empire couldn't settle the Outer Rim so the New Republic shouldn't even try and should just leave everybody alone. I mean, he does have a point. Why should everybody fall under the exact same leadership anyway?? At the end of the episode we see both him and Cara Dune snub the same New Republic officer from two episodes ago, Captain Carson Teva. Apparently the man is still on the hunt for Din... 

Mythrol is also back (see below), remember blue fish guy?? Turns out the reason he had a bounty on him in the series premiere was because he was cooking Greef's books despite having worked for him since "he was a polywag." I get Greef being upset, but 350 years of a work-debt?? Dang!! And he's so mean to Mythrol that it made me a bit uncomfortable.

 In regards to the Imperial base, there's supposedly just a skeleton crew running it, but it ends up being chock full of troopers and bizzaro scientific experiments!!! Including what appear to be vats of clones (see below)...something to do with the Empire's desire for The evidenced by a recording from Doctor Pershing that's only 3 days old!! Turns out the clone patch on his uniform meant something after all!! And the recording is meant for Moff Gideon, who Mando and crew thinks is dead. Dun dun dun!!!! At the end of the episode we see Moff Gideon in a room filled with double rows of spooky black trooper uniforms (see below)!! I've seen people likening these to Dark Troopers, of which I'm not familiar since the only old school Star Wars video game I played was "Podracer." But from my research, Dark Troopers are droids and this clearly has to do with Midi-chlorian enhanced clones so I believe it is something else entirely. And I CANNOT wait to find out what that something is!!! Also, it appears that this room is on a Venator-class Star Destroyer (see below)...which I find incredibly strange... Okay, so I was corrected--it's an Arquitens-class cruiser which makes SO much more sense!!

The one thing that didn't make any sense to me in this episode was the Razor Crest being fixed and awesomely ready to fly after just the short trip through the Imperial base. Even Greef said at the beginning of the episode that the repairs would take awhile...but this was mere minutes...maybe an hour. The timing was just way off in my book.

A couple of side notes: There's a sneaky Mimbanese (see below) who it appears will be making things difficult for Din in the future.... And Moff Gideon is not the only one who flies an Outland TIE.

I absolutely love how this episode mixed humor with satiating our appetites for answers to some of the mystery!! I am so incredibly stoked to learn more as this season progresses!! I'll leave you with an adorable picture of the child enjoying some high-flying acrobatics in the Razor Crest...but zoom in...really look at the kid's teeth...yikes!!! 


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