"Bad Batch Ep. 5: Rampage"

"Bad Batch Ep. 5: Rampage" written by Tamara Becher-Wilkinson and directed by Steward Lee

Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness!! I never thought I would fall in love with a rancor, but Muchi is the cutest little baby around (see to the left--watching Muchi and Wrecker duke it out until they were both exhausted was the most adorable thing I've seen in a long time.)! This episode was delightfully joyous despite the heavy subject matter--slavery courtesy of the Zygerrians. I loved that the Bad Batch went into their mission completely blind and had no idea that the child they were saving was a rancor! I thought it was so funny that we were led to believe the young Falleen (see below) was Muchi until the Falleen himself corrected our heroes. What a fun and unexpected reveal! 

I kinda wish that Muchi had been Pateesa (Jabba's rancor in Return of the Jedi), but then Luke would've had to kill her and that would have been exceedingly sad. So the lack of a connection ends up being just fine. We know Bib Fortuna gave Pateesa (who happens to be male) to Jabba as a birthday present and I think it would've been super cool to watch that play out. But, Muchi is so freaking precious that I don't want anybody to hurt her!! <3

We also meet Cid (see below), a Trandoshan who was an old Jedi contact. She's the one who gives our heroes the job to save Muchi from the slavers. I'm super intrigued by this new character and wonder if she's going to prove to be an asset or a danger...only time will tell.

Then there's Fennec Shand! I found it interesting that she's new on the scene. She does look young in "The Mandalorian" so I guess it makes sense that she would be at the very beginning of her career during the inception of the Empire.

One last thing, it looks like Wrecker still has his headache...maybe my first instincts were correct and he is suffering some sort of chip malfunction. I'm so nervous to find out!!

I am continuing to love this show and cannot wait to watch today's episode!! I'll leave you with a screenshot of a Brezak, the flying mounts of the Zygerrians--both of which looked great, straight out of the pages of "The Clone Wars" TV show!!


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