"Crimson Reign #1: Part 1--The Orphans" by Charles Soule

"Crimson Reign #1: Part 1--The Orphans" written by Charles Soule, illustrated by Steven Cummings and Guru-eFX

This was a really interesting issue. It was mostly narrated from the point of view of a member of Crimson Dawn, who refers to herself as The Archivist, as she speaks from a holocron-sort-of-thing, detailing the fall of the criminal syndicate. Of course, right now, Crimson Dawn is going strong and this issue tells what happened after the auction for carbonite-encased Han Solo, but it appears Crimson Dawn's demise is imminent--explaining their eventually not being seen in any canon material. As a whole, this issue has narration as mentioned above, but also plenty of juicy dialogue, and lots of immersive action. I feel like a ton of information was presented in a very engaging way. I'm excited to see how things go from here...

We start off with The Archivist (see below) introducing the syndicate and Qi'ra. She says, "When [Qi'ra] found [the members of Crimson Dawn], they were killers, liars, and thieves, led by a monster. They remained those things under her hand, but she gave them something the monster had not. She gave them...a purpose. A grand ambition. The achievement of which would give the people of Crimson Dawn what they most desired while changing the galaxy for the better." And then she goes on to describe how Qi'ra brought together an additional collection of people with particular skills and strong wills to make her dream a reality. This new group of people includes: the Knights of Ren, Chanath Cha and the Orphans, Deathstick, Trinia (Qi'ra's closest advisor next to Margo who also worked for Dryden Vos), and even Ochi of Bestoon is confirmed to be a Crimson Dawn agent (hoowee, I wonder how aware of Ochi's involvement Vader is...). See the panel below of all these people gathered together before Qi'ra as she explains her overall mission--rebalance power in the galaxy away from the Sith!!! WHAT?!? That is one tall order!! Qi'ra references Maul saying, "Like so many of you, he was used, and when he was no longer useful, he was discarded. That is what the Sith do. They take, and then they throw away." Her rebalance of power goal is pictured below as she says, "An endless mountain range--many peaks, none dramatically higher than any other. The people who live on them free to climb as high as they can, and all those centers of power contending with and compromising with the others." This is one hefty goal and I'm curious to see how close to achieving it Qi'ra gets...

Then the issue proper begins with Qi'ra going to Black Sun (their frigate is called Darkpath and Prince Xizor is made canon!!!!), Margo going to Oba Diah and the High Fortress of the Pyke Syndicate, and Trinia going to Castell and the lair of Papa Toren. All three women are buttering up these other syndicates, claiming that a power vacuum has been created post-Hutt-council-demise (remember Vader annihilating them in the "War of the Bounty Hunters" crossover event??) and someone needs to come in and fill the void of a crime syndicate that will work hand in hand with the Empire. But this is really all a ruse to get the syndicates to turn against each other as Qi'ra actually has other more nefarious plans... We get the most time with Qi'ra and Black Sun's Lord Gyuti as she explains the role she hopes for Crimson Dawn to fill, "Crimson Dawn wishes to remain small, lean. We want to offer services to the larger syndicates. Precise, important tasks. We will work for anyone who can afford us. But that will be a select group. And we will never disclose any tasks you ask us to complete. [...] We believe Crimson Dawn can be essential." Really though?? I'm skeptical because Qi'ra's motives seem to be all over the place and they are definitely influenced by the particular people she is talking with.

The rest of the issue is Chanath Cha and The Orphans attacking various syndicate's facilities thus putting them all on high alert and essentially starting a syndicate war. Chanath Cha has most prominently been seen before in the original "Lando" mini-series. The Orphans include Sear, Ladybright (a droid?), and Imara Vex. This is where most of the action takes place...these ladies are all serious bad****s!! 

We then get some more information on the other players in Qi'ra's plot. There's a set up for a later issue in which the Knights of Ren will infiltrate none other than Fortress Vader!!! (see below) At least I dearly hope it's a set up because such an issue would be freaking awesome!! Plus, we get eyes on Ochi--"He lost his way at Exegol and had not yet found his way back. Perhaps he never would."--and Deathstick--"She was born of night. No one could be more at home in the dark." (See her actual...cyborg face below!) The Archivist is tasked with finding Jedi who escaped Palpatine's Purge...either as allies...or bait... And finally, the Rebels are even brought up as being part of the overall plan. So, a fascinating cast of characters indeed! The next issue is called "Assassins." Not sure if this will just be Ochi and Deathstick or not, but either way I am absolutely intrigued!! 

And lastly, I'll leave you with an epic illustration of Vader and Palpatine!!


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