"The High Republic #12: Jedi's End, Chapter 2: The Spirit of Disunity" by Cavan Scott

 "The High Republic #12: Jedi's End, Chapter 2: The Spirit of Disunity" written by Cavan Scott, illustrated by Georges Jeanty, Carlos Lopez, and Karl Story

What an issue!!! This one really ramped things up and we FINALLY learn what has been going on with Sskeer!!! Avar loses it, Keeve beats herself up, and Sskeer determines to do his best. Tons of character development all around and I am SO here for it!

Well, Avar wasn't able to stop Lourna from escaping. Keeve was in too bad shape to help and Sskeer was busy caring for Keeve. Avar alone just wasn't enough. I find it really callous that she basically says Keeve should suck it up, "She is a Jedi. The Force will provide." Keeve just went through the biggest horror we've ever seen in Star Wars...no, she can't just suck it up.

Apparently, Starlight Beacon can move!! The Jedi already moved it to Dalna and at the beginning of this issue have just moved it to the Eiram System. Both were for relief efforts post-natural disaster. Eiram in particular endured a "continent-wide cyclone that laid waste to the planet." Then we learn that a Nihil path drive (salvaged from the Battle of Galov) has been installed on the Ataraxia (the Jedi star cruiser) by Jedi Monshi. It has the coordinates for the main Nihil base in it and Avar is ready to launch a full-scale assault against the baddies. But Stellan advises caution much to Avar's chagrin (that seems like a common state for Avar at this point...poor woman). We finally even get an image of the Great Hall in No-Space via hologram (see below)!!! From what I can tell, it's different than I expected. I'm impressed that the Jedi found the ACTUAL Nihil base at all though!

Keeve is beating herself up over the whole situation. I LOVE how this series is narrated by her thoughts in green boxes! She's such a dynamic character who's gone through so much and has taken a wailing in the process. She thinks it was her fault that they couldn't catch Lourna Dee, as if she really could have sucked it up and done anything to help. I really feel for her! According to Keeve's thoughts, Ceret and Terec really are in hibernation trances, but I can't tell whether this was self-inflicted or a cause of the Leveler... (see them below)

And now Maru is worried about Avar going off the path of the Force and the Light!! She has been super brash lately, not listening to anyone trying to help and forcing herself and others beyond their limits. She outright yells at Sskeer after Lourna Dee escapes, "I gave you explicit instructions. Defensive maneuvers only. And yet, you cut through Nihil fighters like a Rancor that's sensed blood, butchering everyone in your path." This all may be true, but her yelling is a reaction to him telling the Marshall that they need to get the bond-twins and Keeve back to Starlight to treat their injuries. I'm gonna say Avar is in the wrong here... See angry Avar below! Avar even takes Sskeer's lightsaber like a policeman turning in his gun. This leaves Keeve super distraught. See her hugging Sskeer as Avar looks insularly sad and dejected below. Goodness these Jedi are falling apart!

We FINALLY find out what's happening to Sskeer!! He has a rare but potent Trandoshan brain disease called Magrak Syndrome!! As Sskeer puts it, "Over time, the brain gives in to its...base urges. Aggression. Fury. Rage." He may never be able to use the Force again *tear*. (But I'm pretty sure in issue #11 he used the Force to raise a club in the air and distract Zeetar, the Talpini Tempest Runner...huh...) Now he must expend all his energies maintaining balance.

BUT...he decides to join the crew of the Ataraxia with Monshi, Avar, and Keeve after all!!! I literally teared up over Sskeer's determination and compassion. Keeve's response? "I'll vouch for him...I promise...and if he steps a millimeter out of line, I will gladly knock him on his scaly ass." I love this SO much!! Keeve is such a deeply caring person. 

Goodness this was a good issue and the character development of everyone involved is absolutely stellar!!! I can't wait to see if they succeed in their attack on The Nihil's Great Hall...so looking forward to issue #13!!

-Marie E. Wilson a.k.a. @AliaMorgaine


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