"Star Wars #21: Trapped on a Star Destroyer" by Charles Soule

"Star Wars #21: Trapped on a Star Destroyer" written by Charles Soule, illustrated by Marco Castiello, Ramon Rosanas, and Rachelle Rosenberg

Well...we FINALLY get back to Shara Bey!! But still the Rebels aren't actively mounting a mission to save her. In fact, most of the issue is about how she's been surviving in the broken down, cordoned off parts of Commander Zahra's Star Destroyer, the Tarkin's Will... I'm very pleased that we're finally back with Shara, but I still feel like she is an afterthought in this series and that really bugs me.

How has she survived in the enemy ship for so long?? First and foremost, this lady is fierce and independent. It doesn't hurt that, as we learned previously, the Tarkin's Will is a survivor of the first Death Star explosion and so is riddled with damage. Instead of fixing it, the people in charge have cordoned off the worst parts, leaving dead bodies lying all around (see below). This functions as a memoriam for those who lost their lives to the Rebels that day. You see, every member of the Tarkin's Will crew lost someone in the Battle of Yavin. Of course I'm not mourning them or anything--as Shara points out in her private message to Kes Dameron, many civilians on Jedha and Alderaan were also lost as a result of the Empire's weapon, so what about them?!? In addition to the perfect hiding place, Shara finds emergency rations, water, weapons, droid parts, tools, and comms. By stealing stormtrooper armor, she is able to also sneak around the Star Destroyer and send messages to the Rebellion (see below). She goes by TK-510. 

Unfortunately, Commander Zahra (see below) solves the puzzle of many odd happenings and realizes there's a stowaway on her ship. Zahra catches Shara in the midst of her escape and fights her in hand-to-hand combat. The image below is of Zahra as she tells Shara, "My, my. You might be the most arrogant Rebel I've ever met. And that's saying something. I've met Luke Skywalker." Hahaha!!! Those good ole Skywalker genes...

Mon Mothma makes it very clear that Kes is not to go after Shara. After listening to Shara's private message to him and not seeing an Imperial shuttle coming out of hyperspace with her on it, Kes ignores that order and inspires a group of Pathfinders and Starlight Squadron pilots to join him on a mission to finally rescue his wife!

I honestly cannot tell if the next issue will be about this rescue...or if it will veer away again from Poe Dameron's poor mother. Either way, I look forward to seeing what happens next and am at least glad that Shara finally got some screen-time after literal months on hiatus as a present character. Here's to hoping it doesn't all end here...


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