Star Wars comic #68: Rebels and Rogues, Part I by Greg Pak

"Star Wars #68: Rebels and Rogues, Part I" written by Greg Pak, illustrated by Phil Noto
     This was a superbly enjoyable issue. They ended up going with having the three storylines all told at once, alternating between each one. I've changed my mind about wanting three separate issues covering each story individually because this is too much fun! My interest was easily sucked in by wanting to see what was going to happen next on each mission and I cannot wait to see where they go from here!
     If I'm not mistaken, the opening bits of narration for this arc were actually straight from the opening crawl to The Empire Strikes Back!! And we find ourselves somewhere in the Outer Rim with the Rebels discussing the thousands of probe droids headed their way. General Carlist Rieekan sets up the arc by informing Luke, Han, Leia, and Chewie of the different missions they have been assigned to. Han at this point really wants out but is of course suckered in like always.
     Luke is sent to an Inner Rim Rebel refueling station on Sergia to lure away some probes that are dangerously close to discovering the station. It turns out to be another desert planet and Luke is none to happy about that. Will he be able to steer away the Star Destroyer he finds orbiting Sergia?? This story is not that spectacular and is pretty cut and dry, but it looks like next issue may lead to some interesting danger for the farmboy.
     Han is sent to Lanz Carpo "one of the smallest planets in the Core" "with one of the biggest crime rates." This planet is run by Boss Carpo, an Imperial collaborator who turns over Rebels by the hundreds. Han's job will be to trick the Imperials into thinking that Carpo is working for the Rebellion by way of intercepted messages. Will Han and Leia be able to successfully stay under cover?? (See them with some rockin' shades below haha) I loved this story--getting to see Han in his element and Leia acting against it. Their dynamic is definitely unique.
     Chewie is sent to K43, an uninhabited, highly unstable, volcanic world on the edge of Wild Space. His job is to blow up the planet after luring in as many Imperial ships as possible. But will Chewie and 3PO hit a snag once they do some exploring?? The interplay between Chewie and 3PO is so incredibly respectful and grateful--I stinking love it! They are truly friends and it shows (see the image below).
     So a wonderful start to Greg Pak's run on this series and I couldn't be more pleased. And Phil Noto is doing a bang up job with the artistry--can't believe he's taken over all aspects of the visuals! Quite impressive. Three truly intriguing storylines all going on at once and we get a front row seat to the action! Can't wait for issue #69!


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