Star Wars #2: "The Destiny Path, Part II" by Charles Soule

Star Wars #2: "The Destiny Path, Part II" written by Charles Soule, illustrated by Jesus Saiz and Arif Prianto
     This was quite an interesting issue that definitely set us up well for things to come. I'm a little confused on the timeline since it still coincides with the Empire Strikes Back ending, but then suddenly skips to after the movie without showing the scene where Lando and Chewie are leaving in the Falcon and Luke and Leia are standing at the window of the ship watching them leave. I feel like they could've shown just a panel to give us a clear segue to the post-movie material. Regardless, I'm absolutely intrigued as to where this series is going!
     As mentioned above, we start off still not quite to the ending of The Empire Strikes Back and apparently the Luke, Lando, Leia trio weren't all friendly smiles and hugs like they seemed to be in the movie (see their conversation at the bottom). Luke and Leia don't trust Lando a wit. But he does his best to put them at ease in taking the Falcon to go find Han. Why did Chewie go with him too? Not out of friendship but out of keeping his eye on Lando to make sure he didn't do anything stupid!
     After a brief discussion about Luke getting a new hand, we skip forward to after the end credits roll. Lando and Chewie run into some serious trouble when they arrive at Tatooine (check out the hoard of Weequay ships that appear in orbit out of nowhere below) and Lando makes a deal that could potentially spell doom for his new found friends (see him encountering the perils of Jabba's palace below). It isn't long before Lando is back with the rest of the Rebels (at least the smaller Rebel cell that Leia is working with--everyone is still incredibly scattered throughout the galaxy). Personally, I find that strange, and to me it cheapens the farewell ending of Empire Strikes Back. I mean, yes, believing that Lando stayed away a year and infiltrated Jabba's palace over that year is a bit of a stretch. So sure, other stuff had to happen. But it was an ending in the movie and now it feels like a beginning which just seems odd.

     We get another High Republic reference as Leia and Commander Grek break the news to their Rebel cell that the Empire has cracked the Rebellion's codes and they must do something else to reunite everyone again. Grek says, "In the days of the High Republic, the galaxy was not as settled as it is now. Areas like the Outer Rim were dangerous, hard to navigate. So the people of that time built a huge space station at great effort and expense and placed it in the center of the dark zones. It sent out a signal that acted as a sort of beacon, helping travelers find their way." Sounds like a pretty epic undertaking for our small Rebel cell!! And a truly fascinating idea that might just make it into a movie coming out soon...
     For next issue it looks like we'll be returning to Cloud City...Lando keeps saying he desperately wants to go back, but to what end?? I have no idea. This is a dangerous move, but one I'm sure the Rebels will navigate with aplomb. I also think the title "The Destiny Path" will turn out to be super apropos for Luke in the issues to come. I can't wait!


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