Solo: A Star Wars Story comic #6 by Robbie Thompson

"Solo: A Star Wars Story #6" written by Robbie Thompson, illustrated by Will Sliney, Andres Mossa, and Stefani Rennee
     Oh my goodness, the artwork in this issue was beyond belief good!! While the story itself only included one extra line not in the movie, the artwork made up for that lack of new material in spades! This review, since the issue doesn't veer too far from the movie, will mostly be images from the issue that moved me...and there are many...I had to be at least a little choosy.
     But first, the one new line was from Beckett after he double crosses Han: "And besides, if it weren't for Enfys, Val'd still be here and I'd already be strumming a valachord." I love the inclusion of this because it makes you realize that Beckett's not exactly a bad guy--I mean, who wouldn't hold a grudge against someone who caused the death of your lover? No matter how true that person's overall moral compass was. I totally get it.
     And one more thing before imagepalooza, I'm still so confused on what the original plan was, what Han told Beckett, and what Qi'ra knew. Han seems to have told Beckett a plan that differed from his actual plan because he assumes the man will turn on him (as he's "predictable") and the plan Beckett seems to know is definitely not the reality of the situation, but Han feigns surprise in a very good show of acting when Beckett does turn on him which is strange to me. Also, he immediately throws Qi'ra under the bus as the one who double crossed him...was this part of the plan?? I've read through this plan in the adult novelization, the junior novelization, and now this comic book and have seen the movie about 5 times yet I still am so confused over this whole "plan." I would love some more clarification!
     Okay...on to the images!!!
     Above is immediately after the Enfys reveal and they did such a fabulous job capturing her hair, her youth and beauty, and even her freckles!!! Uhhh…I love Enfys Nest so much and am so thankful they did her justice!
     We even get to see an image of the early Crimson Dawn mercenaries! (see above) Super intriguing.
     Above we get the full on view of Enfys after she's defeated Dryden's agents. So majestic!!!
     And finally, see Dryden Vos...really angry. The striations on his face start off very faint, and then gradually build up to the above, deep red markings of anger.
     This doesn't even begin to cover the visuals from the action scenes!!! I really can't say enough about how this issue visually portrayed the story. So much yes. 
     Only one issue left! I'm super curious to see if we get the epilogue with Jyn/Saw/Enfys...I might just die if they go there...


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