Star Wars: Resistance - Episode 21 - "No Escape, Part II"

Star Wars: Resistance - Episode 21 - "No Escape, Part II" written by Brandon Auman, directed by Saul Ruiz
     A brilliant episode to end the first season of this show, I absolutely loved how everything played out. We got the return of those who we didn't think we'd hear from again this season in a fabulous air battle. We got the turn of Tam which is going to make for a fascinating plot point moving forward. And we got Kaz being a true hero, successfully saving the day. I can't say enough about how much I enjoyed this episode--it was real and gritty yet fun and heartwarming, a perfect mix.
     While I do giveaway a good bit in the following review, I've left out key points to keep the episode fun and exciting if you haven't seen it yet.
     The intro music works perfectly in this episode as an ominous prelude. I wish they had saved all of the deviating title card scores for these last two episodes--would've had even more impact.
     Kaz and Torra rescue Doza and Yeager from their cells!! Yeager admits that maybe he's underestimated Kaz's abilities and I love it. I'm kind of surprised by the reactions of Yeager and Doza to the knowledge that Hosnian Prime has now been destroyed. Knowing that's the base of the Galactic Senate you'd think they would be more outraged than they are. There's definitely a beautiful sadness on Yeager's face (see above) but if I were him, I would have exploded with indignation and anger. I guess Yeager is just thinking about Kaz's circumstances in this situation, what with him losing his family and all. Definitely speaks to the strength and compassionate nature of his character.
     The Colossus was mobile twenty years before!! I wonder what kind of ship it was/what it was used for??? That would place its use still during New Republic times, but I'm super curious if it was government-owned, privately-owned, acted as a city, was always just a fueling platform. What could it have been??? Give me more!
     To get rid of First Order troops, Kaz, Neeku, and Torra flush them out! They have to release the ballast water the ship took on when it submerged anyway, so they figure in the process they can release some troopers out into the ocean as well (see below). It may seem weird that Yeager and Doza aren't in on this plan since they did overhear Neeku relay his idea, but we find out momentarily what they were up to instead. And it's all part of the larger plan.
     Tam sees Tierny and Pyre making aggressive plans for how to deal with the loss of troops noted above and yet she still sides with the First Order! I fully expected this and feel so badly for the girl. She really does just feel utterly betrayed and ignored. She even says to Yeager, "You were like a father to me, but all that was a lie." I totally get it. She feels she will be respected within the First Order although she doesn't have the first idea what they really stand for. I doubt she was shown the destruction of Hosnian Prime so she probably doesn't have any idea what they are truly capable of. But as she leaves the Colossus, you see her wrapping her arms around herself, seemingly unsure of what is to come (see below)...regardless, her decision is already made.
     The fanfare as the Colossus starts rising above the water is absolutely brilliant! So energetic and triumphant--I love it! And then an all out air battle begins that took my breath away--it was perfect as literally everyone joined in the fight--surprises on all fronts!! Cannot wait to see how everything shakes out with the variety of characters that are now on this adventure together...and I say adventure because although the coordinates Kaz gave Neeku were for D'Qar, Neeku didn't have time to input all of the coordinates and he has no idea where the ship is perfectly Neeku. I'm still quite confused by Leia saying D'Qar was their "next" base since they'd been on D'Qar for quite awhile before The Force Awakens, but oh well, I'll let it slide. Regardless, watching our Colossus crew staring out at the blue and white swirling lines of hyperspace was a sight to see and I was laughing and tearing up joyously!
     I cannot believe how much this series has grown on me!! It has absolutely been worth the wait to get what we've gotten these last few episodes. I can honestly say I am thrilled with "Star Wars: Resistance" and that makes me so happy I can't even.
So the creepy blue guy is actually an Arconan woman named Garma...
Those weird lit up underwater creatures from last episode are sharvo.
     I think I've pretty much said everything that needs to be said. I mean I'd love to write about more but I don't want to give everything away! Essentially, it was wonderful and you should absolutely watch it if you have not yet!


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