Star Wars comic #48: Mutiny at Mon Cala, Part V by Kieron Gillen

"Star Wars #48: Mutiny at Mon Cala, Part V" written by Kieron Gillen, illustrated by Salvador Larroca and Guru-eFX
     To start, the cover is creepy as hell. Not sure what they're going for here...the issue itself wasn't creepy at all. Once again, 3PO held his own comedically and Tunga just added to the fun. Our heroes find a way to get a message after all and the ending leaves you clapping. This was an all-around great issue.
     Oh my goodness, C-3PO really steps in it. He's now hungry for fame! Haha...and Tunga the Clawdite is all for it. They begin to recite an unabridged three hour poem for the audience at the MonCaladrome. It is a tale of love between a warrior-princess and an urchin turned demagogue.
     At the end of the last issue we find King Lee Char hooked up to many machines that are allowing him to continue living. Fortunately he's still cognizant and...Awww! He asks if Raddus and Ackbar have joined the Rebellion!! Leia must deliver the bad news about Raddus and the king briefly recounts the story taking place right now in the Darth Vader series. Such an awesome connection! Luckily, our heroes get a recording of the king asking for Mon Cala to fight back. They just have to get it back to Mon Cala.
     Just as things seem to be going well, Grand Admiral Urtya shows up with goons wearing freaking cool weaponized crustacean armor! He declares Mon Cala's future is not for the Rebels to determine.
     But then...everything changes!!! It was like the Battle of Scarif all over again--so heartwarming and exciting. Definitely a fabulous end to this issue.


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