Star Wars comic #42: The Ashes of Jedha, Part V by Kieron Gillen

"Star Wars #42: The Ashes of Jedha, Part V" written by Kieron Gillen, illustrated by Salvador Larroca, Guru-eFX, and VC's Clayton Cowles
     This felt like a very short issue, but a relatively good amount still went down. Leia, Luke, and the droids infiltrate The Leviathan and shut down all weapons controls. Then Han and the Partisans arrive on the offensive. The synopsis for next week's issue says this story arc will conclude with help coming from a surprising source...I can't wait to see how this all turns out!
     So apparently Chewie had been on a mission to intercept the plans for The Leviathan orbital mining machine. I don't remember where this is in the storyline and that has me thrown off a bit. He did return from somewhere at the end of the last issue with something of importance. Turns out the plans were the key Leia hopes will unlock the Rebels'/Partisans' chances against the machine.
     Luke and Ubin have a heartfelt conversation and Luke says he's "been thinking about Jyn and the rest of Rogue One"...heart! He says, "Rogue One took whatever steps they needed. People making distractions, sacrificing themselves, amping up the signal. All improvised. This chain of sacrifice...all leading to me taking that shot." I LOVE how he acknowledges Rogue One's role in his own heroics. So awesome! He then says he's glad he didn't know about the sacrifice because it would've put even more pressure on him, but he's happy he knows now. Leia steps in and says, "They had no idea you were going to be there. They just hoped you would." And there's that word again--hope. Leia then recounts the scene where Vader entered The Profundity and laid the smack down on everyone there. Ahh! I'm loving these canon connections!
     As they sneak onto The Leviathan, Leia asks if their experience is like when Luke and Han infiltrated the Death Star. Luke responds with, "No, it's different. Then there was a really rude princess who discovered the worst-smelling room in the galaxy." Haha!
     Even C-3PO thinks the Shu-Torun computers are tediously formal! Who woulda thunk it?
     There's also some wonderful Chewie--Han banter throughout the issue. It's amazing how they give Chewie such a distinct voice by just growling and roaring--too cool.
     So a fabulous issue all in all...much better than the last one with it's weirdness. None of that was wrapped up in this one though which left me feeling a bit ripped off. Hopefully Luke will address what he went through at the gaping chasm in a later issue. They did bring back the canon connections in this issue and not just to Rogue One. I'm absolutely loving what Kieron Gillen has done with this series! Looking forward to what comes next...


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