Star Wars comic #49: Mutiny at Mon Cala, Part VI by Kieron Gillen

"Star Wars #49: Mutiny at Mon Cala, Part VI" written by Kieron Gillen, illustrated by Salvador Larroca and Guru-eFX
     This felt like a very short read but was engaging throughout and there were certainly some big surprises! There was action, sacrifice, humor, and intrigue all rolled into one exciting package. Things look perfect for the Rebellion...and then they look horrific...what will this series bring us next?!?
     A giant blockade of Star Destroyers keeps the Mon Cala navy from escaping!! But some of the Rebel fleet arrives to help save the day...and it is Ackbar's genius that strikes the winning blow. I won't give it away here cuz it was a huge surprise...and only makes sense post-Solo which was kinda cool...
     Then our heroes make it into hyperspace and arrive at the Cosmatanic Steppes in the Outer Rim to drop off Tunga the Clawdite. That place name is so incredibly familiar but I can't put a finger on where from... Tunga is super impressed with the Rebellion, definitely not the ragtag group he had envisioned. And as he departs, he makes a comment about not wanting 3PO to upstage his acting talents. 3PO is of course all big ego after that, saying "Did you hear that, Artoo? I'm talented. I have potential!" Hahaha
     We are then thrust months later onto Mako-Ta Base where the Rebel fleet sits completed and beautiful. no no no!!! The absolute worst possible thing happens!! And I felt it coming *tear*. I guess there's a reason why the next arc is called "Hope Dies"... I'm not ready for a down and out arc...I was enjoying the victories too much!
     You know it's funny, I seem to be very fickle with which side I root for lol. I have an Imperial symbol bumper sticker on my car and a Sith tattoo and always claim to be Imperial...but because this series is from the point of view of our Rebel heroes, I find myself wanting them to succeed. And it's not like when I watch the OT or Rebels I want the Rebellion to fail (although I do LOVE Thrawn)...weird...I guess I'm just enamored with both sides and love ALL Star Wars has to offer!


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