Lando: Double or Nothing comic #3 by Rodney Barnes

"Lando: Double or Nothing #3" written by Rodney Barnes, illustrated by Paolo Villanelli and Andres Mossa
     This was a rollicking good issue showing us just how royally Lando has pissed people off in the past. Luckily, there's not near as much self-aggrandizement in this one, so Lando comes off as way more likeable--much to my joy as I really do like the smuggler.
     We start off with Lando being held captive by Batalla. Apparently Lando did several things to really anger the man. And not just things to Batalla himself. At the Calladus Festival, Lando pretended to be an Imperial Guard and swindled the bulk of the Zakku Rain Cartel. And Lando "borrowed" Batalla's prized Sharrapon, some large, fuzzy creature.
     Lando comms L3 and tells her a "little blue madman" is holding him captive. Her response? "Why does it matter that he's blue?" Haha! Love the Star Wars universe!!
     Kristiss, her father (Rythus), and the other Petrusians hold a meeting in what looks to be a store room under a bright light...strikes me as odd seeing as they are all under constant watch by stormtroopers. Not understanding how they ended up with the freedom to meet...
     Interesting side note, some Petrusians are green while others are purple (like Kristiss and Rythus), but they all have pointy ears. I guess Twi'leks are similar in that regard.
     Bit of a continuity issue...or else new information we did not know before: Batalla says he is going to feed Lando to some of Crimson Dawn's finest then proceeds to set him up in a gladiatorial style fight with four members of the Zakku Rain Cartel. So was this a misprint? Or is Zakku Rain connected to Crimson Dawn? Hmmm...
     The focus of this issue was definitely Lando vs. Batalla with Kristiss and L3 being mere side notes. But we do get some fun interludes with L3 proclaiming droid rights so that's cool to build up her character. Overall, a great issue and I'm looking forward to see how everything plays out from here...will Lando save the day???


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