Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith comic #7: The Dying Light, Part I by Charles Soule

"Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith #7: The Dying Light, Part I" written by Charles Soule, illustrated by Giuseppe Camuncoli, Daniele Orlandini, and David Curiel
     The opening crawl for this issue says that the Inquisitorius is made up of fallen Jedi. I wasn't aware that all of them were Jedi. I knew the Grand Inquisitor had been a temple guard but thought the others were just new to the fold. Interesting. Later in the comic, Vader says the Inquisitors are weak because they still fight defensively like Jedi. We all know the Sith attack offensively and with aggression. Vader is not pleased with what he has to work with.
     The visuals show an arm cut off by a lightsaber with blood everywhere. No!! Lighstabers cauterize wounds...ugh.
     Vader finds out the Inquisitorius has had a list of potential escaped Jedi and he is not happy that he has been left out of the loop. The highest priority target is Jocasta Nu! What a weird selection. You know, I can't help but really dislike that woman from her scene in Attack of the Clones when she was all snippy with Obi-Wan as he searched for Kamino in the Jedi Archives. She seemed like such a b****. Needless to say, I'm not really rooting for her here. The Grand Inquisitor also holds no love for the woman and he's still stuck on his desire to read all the Archives.
     So cool!! Since this comic takes place at the very birth of the Empire, stormtroopers don't exist yet and the comic actually shows clones. Yay for continuity!!
     The Emperor makes it clear to Vader that the two of them are still the only Sith and they have their own secret plans separate from the Inquisitorius. And these plans involve Jocasta Nu.
     What will happen next? I'm excited to find out!


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