Doctor Aphra #31: Worst Among Equals, Part VI by Simon Spurrier

"Doctor Aphra #31: Worst Among Equals, Part VI" written by Simon Spurrier, illustrated by Emilio Laiso, Andrea Broccardo, and Rachelle Rosenberg
     Wow! Another fantastic issue with a bit of a different format that worked quite well for the culmination of this particular arc. We have most of the issue narrated by Minister Pitina Voor from the future on Coruscant (Chair of the Coalition for Progress) as all hell is breaking loose and things are getting progressively worse for our "heroes" in the past on Milvayne. Voor describes how things needed to be manipulated in such a way to bring the populace back under Imperial control. And this leads us right up to a momentarily triumphant and then super-ambiguous ending...which I'm guessing is resolved a bit in the description for the next issue, but who can really tell at this juncture? I'll just say I was slack-jawed at what seemed to have happened. A couple of huge surprises are thrown our way as well--something this series excels at and it never gets old! I was either grinning from ear to ear or wide-eyed with shock at the things that kept happening--it was just so good.
     We ended last issue with 0-0-0 obtaining his long-lost memories as a gift from Aphra. Unfortunately, they showed his creation was a mistake. Forlorn, he walks off from Aphra while she is unable to move (her legs still affected from the blast at the beginning of last issue), triggering the proximity bomb alarm.
     But then, in a brilliant stroke of adrenaline-fueled genius, Aphra manages to re-activate BT-1 despite the ion charge he was subjected to!! And this, knowing his companion is alive, causes a change of heart in 0-0-0. With 0-0-0's faith in life renewed, the three associates head off to finally find Professor Prexo to have their proximity bombs removed once and for all! But as victorious as this sounds, it's things of course can't go so smoothly as all that...even if the three compatriots do have an entire planet backing them up (crazy how that worked out).
     A very interesting visual was Minister Voor in her chambers on Coruscant looking way less scary in a brightly lit room with a table covered in bottles and fruits. It was very dissonant from the way she was portrayed in previous issues--as dark, ominous, and creepy. Her attitude and ways of thinking are still super Imperial and intense, but she herself is not intimidating in person in the least (see below).
     I was so worried the entire time that the worst was going to come to pass...and for all I know it did... I'm still anxiously awaiting next issue to see if everything ended up okay...or not. I want so much more Aphra for a long time going forward, but every issue makes me nervous as all get out that it's going to be the last. Luckily we know there's at least one arc left. Fingers crossed that there's even more to come in the future!


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