DJ: Most Wanted by Ben Acker and Ben Blacker

"DJ: Most Wanted" written by Ben Acker and Ben Blacker, illustrated by Kevin Walker, Marc Deering, and Java Tartaglia
     This comic one-shot issue takes place directly before Last Jedi with DJ already in Canto Bight. So much trivia fills this issue it's difficult to take it all in--of course, you know me and trivia...I'll take it all! But the story itself is a fun ride with a surprising ending twist that left me wanting more of DJ.
     We start with DJ playing a card game of some sort in which he loses, according to a droid sitting next to him, the sum of the economy of a thriving mid-rim planet. Well dang!
     Pol Ipol and Oosha Choi are honest cops that then join the game. They mention Flestic Crupp as a Rodian arms dealer who had his self-stats and code-cards stolen at Zord's Spa and Bathhouse (remember that locale from the Canto Bight novella collection?). They then say Flestic was found to be responsible for the theft of a "saint" who brought water to desert worlds. Flestic is super crazy muscular for a Rodian--they're usually so scrawny, but he's the polar opposite!
     Apparently DJ used to be connected with a man named Denel Strench. But there's so much more to the story than just that! Super cool turn of events.
     So much happened and so many wild turns took place that this issue had my rapt attention the entire time. I was fascinated with DJ's crazy experiences and the vile underbelly of Canto Bight.
-We get mention of the Nojonz Gang.
-The Arkanian Brain-Gangster Reeshee Irway was caught for sandship licensing violations.
-Jorka Edy owns the casino the issue starts off in.
-Moonit is from Melm and is the owner of the next casino DJ goes to--the Vesustrian.
-Groff Fordly is a podracer.
     This issue definitely held quite a few surprises and I was pleased! I would definitely recommend it to anyone who wishes to further their understanding of the casino city and maybe get a glimpse into a bit of what makes the traitorous DJ tick.


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