Resistance Season 2: Episode 11 - "Station to Station"

Resistance Season 2: Episode 11 - "Station to Station" written by Mark Henry, directed by Bosco Ng
     What an incredibly fun, nail-biting, and laugh out loud funny episode!! I was on the edge of my seat the entire time plus we got plenty of Tam action!! Despite knowing that the First Order gets defeated in the end, I still had no idea which way this particular episode was going to go. The whole show was one obstacle after another for our heroes (Kaz and Neeku)...but were they able to overcome them all??
     As we begin, we come face to face with a First Order refueling station called the Titan (see the image above)...that looks exactly like the Colossus! Tam and Jace are sent on a supply run mission to the ship and Tam is taken aback by the similarities. Turns out Kaz and Neeku are also on a mission...on the same refueling station!! They're dressed, quite smartly, as technicians (wonder where they got the uniforms from...--see the image below) as they are attempting to steal the Titan's trans-binary deflector (something that apparently keeps radiation from infiltrating the ship--the Colossus' is on its way out!).
     Things get really hairy when Hux himself runs into Kaz and requests a guide to his meeting...with...Commander Pyre!!! Kaz is truly in a difficult bind. Will Kaz find his way back to Neeku? Will the two make it out or will they get caught? Will Tam help capture the two Resistance fighters or will she help them escape??
     All sorts of different situations in this episode had me laughing aloud. But one of the best was Kaz putting on a weird, lower, super southern US southern drawl as part of his First Order technician persona. Somehow...the ruse works. There were also physical hijinks both with Kaz/Neeku and CB-23/First Order droids (Check out the image below. I'm totally loving the red and black droid!! And notice CB-23's really bad black paint job...I bet Kaz had a hand in that disguise haha).
     When Commander Pyre tells Hux that the Colossus must be desperate now and therefore nothing to worry about, the General replies, "Desperation can be a dangerous thing." Dun, dun, dun!!!
     So a fantastic episode that leaves me wanting even more from this series. Super sad there's only the rest of this season to go and that will be the end. *tear*


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