Resistance Season 2: Episode 13 - "Breakout"

Resistance Season 2: Episode 13 - "Breakout" written by Steven Melching, directed by Brad Rau
     This episode seamlessly flows from the previous one and I love it!! Plus, it was another fantastic one--so much action, so much fun, and so much humor!! Yeager and Synara have been captured by the Iktotchi bounty hunter (Ax Tagrin) while Norath and Kaz have gotten away. But the First Order has  arrived making the situation all the more difficult...
     Commander Pyre is upset with Ax's performance because instead of getting Kaz and Norath--"two Resistance spies/agents"--he says, "I see a collaborator and a pirate." Funny they just call Yeager a collaborator when we know he's a bit more than that, in fact the entire Colossus could be referred to as a hotbed of Resistance activity. And Synara is still thought of by the First Order as just a pirate...little do they know. Regardless of how the First Order sees them at first glance, Agent Tierny still deems it worth the effort to interrogate all three (yes, even CB!--see image below) means of electrocution!
     When Captain Doza calls through (as the Colossus sits in an electrical field, masking themselves from the First Order--see image above), Kaz proclaims that he has a plan to save everybody and get back to the ship safely...but he's Kaz, there is no plan...until he decides to pull the tried and true Star Wars gimmick of taking out a couple of stormtroopers, putting on their uniforms, and infiltrating the First Order ranks. Norath is not convinced...
     During their ruse, they run smack into Pyre! And Kaz proclaims, "Pyre!! Sir...sir." I burst into laughter. By stunning the Commander, they think they're home free, but after quickly closing the door behind them, a few troopers show up, questioning what in the world is going on. Norath's response? "Nothing to see hear. Door is malfunctioning. Must go...around. Thank yooouuu." Classic!! So reminiscent of Han on the Death Star in A New Hope! Again, I definitely got a good chuckle out of this one.
     And Neeku makes the fabulous comment toward the end of the episode, "I have never seen stormtrooper armor protect anyone from anything..." Haha!! And oh so true. They do seem to always be dropping like flies, don't they?
     The next episode is set to be separate from this storyline but I hope we get some explanation for Norath venturing off to meet back up with the Resistance proper. I'm going to miss him!


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