Target Vader #4: "The Shot" by Robbie Thompson

Target Vader #4: "The Shot" written by Robbie Thompson, illustrated by Stefano Landini, Neeraj Menon, Giada Marchisio, and Federico Blee
     This was a really good issue that could've been great. It contained three flashback scenes (detailed below) on three of our bounty hunters. While these were enjoyable and allowed us to learn a little bit more about the main characters of this series, they weren't long enough to really dig even a foot into their histories. I really was hoping for more depth and development throughout our "heroes'" lives, but I was still pleased that we got even the snippet we did. A lesser author wouldn't have even done flashbacks and we would be left with just the surface story. So for that I am grateful. Also, LOVE the title as it ends up having several meanings beyond the obvious.
     The flashbacks included:
-Chio the Ardennian's past and it appears that his romantic partner Rone was shot down, and killed as a result, in space above Ryarten by Vader himself (the panel clearly shows a TIE Advanced x1). This happened five years before the "present" timeline in the comic and Chio's anger towards the dark enforcer has not faded one bit.
-Honnah the Gamorrean's past on Fuacha where it appears her house was set on fire by Imperials. Doesn't seem to have a direct connection to Vader but I guess taking him out would be nearly equivalent to taking out a good deal of the Empire's might and scariness.
-Urrr'k the Tusken's past on Mytar...which I won't give away because there's a surprise in store with this character! Although I will say that her flashback didn't involve Vader at all much less the Empire...odd.
     Besides these flashbacks the issue was basically an all out brawl against Vader with arms flying...literally...I considered sharing that image but it is a little gruesome so I decided against it. But I did want to share an image of Honnah the Gamorrean flying toward Vader with her battle ax at the ready!
     Valance's plan is to use an EMP to take out Vader's suit...and essentially his entire body...and therefore incapacitate him so that he actually can be killed. Something that avid comic book fans will remember was tried by Cylo (the insane scientist hired by the Emperor to create rivals for Vader), but with a passcode instead of an EMP, to no avail. Will the EMP work?!?
     As for the turncoat...well, it certainly shouldn't have been a surprise from what we know of other canon material but I didn't realize it shouldn't have been surprising until I was surprised by it. Ridiculous. Things definitely don't look good for Valance...
     I'll end with some incredible panels of Vader in full-on bada** mode, including a wonderful image of him looking through his eyes at Chio...I always love looking through Vader's helmet in comic books!!

     Super excited to be learning more about the mysterious Hidden Hand in the next issue...they really haven't been mentioned much at all so far and I want to know what in the world they actually have to do with anything that's been going on!


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