The Mandalorian: Season 1: Episode 1: "Chapter 1"

The Mandalorian: Season 1: Episode 1: "Chapter 1" written by Jon Favreau, directed by Dave Filoni
     AHHHHHH!!!!! Yeah, I wasn't hyped for this series as much as most people...but now...I am all freaking in!!
     First off, the aliens are BEAUTIFUL!! I'm talking super realistic, incredibly high quality, I'm shook.
     Secondly, the story looks like it's going to be quite a doozy what with the way the first episode ended!!! I will not give away the big surprise because it was...well...let's just say my hand was over my mouth for over a minute before I recovered enough to rewind and watch the last minute over again. I'm talking MAJOR craziness!!
     Thirdly, it's hilarious! While also being very gritty and intense. Nick Nolte's Ugnaught character consistently says, "I have spoken." after he's made up his mind about something. And the Mandalorian's response is simply silence. Also, IG-11 (after coming under fire by a whole host of Nikto and deciding that he and the Mandalorian are pinned in without any way out) is determined to go into self-destruct mode with the Mandalorian convincing him several times to not self-destruct--pure comedy gold.
     So, the story. We start off with a bit of a prologue type set-up with the Mandalorian collecting a bounty on a snowy planet. He flies his bounty off to another more desert-type planet where he unloads the several carbonite-encased sentients he has on board his ship. Then he gets the job that starts off the series with a bang! Let's just say his bounty is 50 years old...but this is Star Wars...does 50 years old really mean middle aged???
A few interesting bits:
-A tracking fob is used to locate bounties.
-Most bounties have a "puck" that displays a hologram of the bounty's face and their crimes.
-We learn some incredibly intriguing biology about the first bounty we see the Mandalorian pick up but I have no idea what kind of alien this guy is...I really wanna know more about his species. He sounds fascinating.
-It looks like some of the actors introduced as being a part of the show are actually only in the first episode unless there's some major surprise up ahead. I'm a bit disappointed in this but don't think it'll downplay the shear awesomeness that seems to lay ahead!!
     Needless to say I'm super excited about this and can't say enough about how blown away I was by this beauty of a show!


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