Jedi of the Republic: Mace Windu comic #1

"Jedi of the Republic: Mace Windu #1" written by Matt Owens, illustrated by Denys Cowan, Roberto Poggi, and Guru-eFX
     This was an intriguing entry into Clone Wars history. While most of this particular issue was bogged down in philosophical ponderings on Jedi going to war, I expect we'll get more action as this short run series progresses. I never would've pegged Mace Windu as one to be against battle, but maybe I've been reading him wrong. Makes me want to re-watch Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith to see if my memory is cloudy on the matter. Regardless, Mace waxes poetic in this comic about whether it is the Jedi's place to be involved in war...and be generals at that. He is not alone in his musings and I'll bet we'll continue to hear about the moral implications of Jedi becoming warriors as opposed to peacekeepers as this series continues.
     Synopsis: Mace Windu sets out on a mission to an Outer Rim planet called Hissrich where the Separatists have recently been landing many ships. He is to conduct an intel and reconnaissance run and not get into battle...but it's Mace Windu...of course there's going to be action. Also along for the ride are Kit Fisto and a couple of newly introduced Jedi - Prosset Dibs, a blind man with powerful intuition, and Rissa Mano, who is, I believe, a Devaronian female. Rissa has a mentor crush on Mace with him ranking among her top 5 favorite Jedi masters...Kit only makes top 20 or 30 much to his chagrin. Hissrich lays in near perpetual darkness with only an hour of sunlight once a month. The Jedi hope this will help lend them cover. They come across a droid patrol squadron and the action begins.
     I could definitely hear Samuel L. Jackson saying most of Mace Windu's words in this comic with his short and to the point manner of speaking shining through. And the battle droids were funny as always with their ridiculous musings and language.
     Despite the excessive philosophical wonderings, I have high hopes for this comic series and look forward to seeing where it goes from here. I'm always hungry for more Clone Wars tales so this is right up my alley for sure.
     There are set to be 5 issues in this short run series. I can only hope other Jedi masters will get their own short runs since this is primarily titled "Jedi of the Republic." Guess we'll see!!


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