Star Wars Comics #35-The Hutt Run and #36-Revenge of the Astromech

"Star Wars 35: The Hutt Run" by Jason Aaron
     This was a fun and surprising read. I absolutely did not expect the turn of events that took place. Jason Aaron does a fabulous job of not letting us in on the secret until the end. We even get to see Grakkus again! - the muscular Hutt with cybernetic legs.
     Synopsis: Grakkus the Hutt has been taken captive by the Rebels and Mon Mothma entreats Han to take him to their new prison on Akiva. Han accepts and hatches a surprising plan to get Grakkus to give up the location of his weapon and money laden safe house.
     I could totally hear Grakkus speaking in haughty tones as he tried to entice Solo to free him and go back to his smuggling way of life. And Han was cutely defensive as always. In the end he decides he must be staying with the Rebellion because he is in idiot :-P
     And after the Han Solo story has come to its conclusion, we get a hint of what's to come in "Star Wars 36: Revenge of the Astromech." A few issues back, R2-D2 escaped from Luke to go rescue C-3PO from the Empire's clutches. Now we get to see the fruition of his rescue mission! The name itself - Revenge of the Astromech - was just too fabulous not to gear me up for the next issue.

"Star Wars 36: Revenge of the Astromech" by Jason Aaron
     Oh my goodness!!! What a FANTASTIC tale. Chaos, havoc, mayhem - all courtesy of our favorite little astromech. Even if you haven't kept up with this comic series, you should check out this issue just for kicks - it is wonderfully fun.
     Synopsis: On a mission to save C-3PO from the Empire, R2-D2 creates untold destruction in his wake.
     As the story progresses, a text box with computerized font details the actions R2 units are able to take and those that are beyond their R2-D2 deftly blows past each limitation - it was quite funny.
     C-3PO is chatty as ever and I love him for it. This issue also holds an unexpected surprise at the end.
     Truly delightful.

     Both of these comics can be purchased digitally through or Amazon.


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